What part of antisemitism don’t you understand?

Hannah Rosenthal, the administration envoy charged with fighting antisemitism:

We welcome the opportunity to speak here today, as the problem of intolerance and discrimination against Muslims is an issue across the OSCE region. The United States strongly supports combating all forms of discrimination and intolerance against Muslims and is taking efforts to build mutual respect between people of all faiths. The U.S. government works continuously to ensure that person of all faiths, including Muslims, can freely enjoy the fundamental freedom of religion. We raise these concerns with our Allies, partners, and others – both within the OSCE and without. The U.S. Government’s Annual Report on International Religious Freedom addresses these concerns in detail within the OSCE region and around the world.

It is interesting that the OSCE is The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe.

A recent report from Holland told that the acting mayor of Amsterdam is pursuing the idea of “decoy Jews.” That’s because attacks on Jews in Amsterdam have reached the point that such a strategy is necessary. Specifcally:

The idea was suggested by a Moroccan-born Parliament member after a broadcast was televised showing Moroccan immigrant men harassing and making Nazi salutes at a rabbi and two children walking in Amsterdam.

“Moroccan immigrant men?” What religion could they be?

More generally, last week Moshe Kantor, head of the European Jewish Congress, (h/t Barry Rubin) said:

“I believe that the situation of European Jewry is at its worst since the end of World War Two, Kantor said. “Jews are afraid to walk the streets in Europe with Jewish signs; Synagogues, Jewish schools and kindergartens require barbed-wire fences and security and Jewish men, women and children are beaten up in broad daylight.”

“Most worryingly, Jews are being forced out of many European cities, like Malmo, because of the atmosphere of hostility and violence,” he added.

Malmo? Where have I heard of that before? Go to the original article and there’s this:

“These issues need to be taken seriously,” he said, arguing that there needs to be a dialogue involving politicians, Islamic groups, and the Jewish community.

Jews are fleeing a city and there need to be a dialogue with Islamic groups?!?
Why would that be?

I’m glad the Ambassador Rosenthal has her eye on the ball.

Two related items:

1) Here’s NASA’s administrator Charles Bolden (via memeorandum; Source here):

“Bolden: I am here in the region – it’s sort of the first anniversary of President Barack Obama’s visit to Cairo – and his speech there when he gave what has now become known as Obama’s “Cairo Initiative” where he announced that he wanted this to become a new beginning of the relationship between the United States and the Muslim world. When I became the NASA Administrator – before I became the NASA Administrator – he charged me with three things: One was that he wanted me to re-inspire children to want to get into science and math, that he wanted me to expand our international relationships, and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with predominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”

I had not realized that reaching out to Muslims was a priority of NASA.

2) Even while the administration’s envoy designated to fight antisemitism is fighting anti-Islamic bigotry, the administration is siding with states who have no diplomatic relations with Israel in a diplomatic maneuver designed to isolate Israel diplomatically, Nudge on Arms Further Divides the U.S. and Israel:

The United States practices a policy of ambiguity with respect to Israel’s nuclear stockpile, neither publicly discussing it nor forcing the Israeli government to acknowledge its existence.

The United States, recognizing that the document would upset the Israelis, sought to distance itself even as it signed it.

In a statement released after the conference ended, the national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, said, “The United States deplores the decision to single out Israel in the Middle East section of the NPT document.” He said it was “equally deplorable” that the document did not single out Iran for its nuclear ambitions. Any conference on a nuclear-free Middle East, General Jones said, could only come after Israel and its neighbors had made peace.

The United States, American officials said, faced a hard choice: refusing to compromise with the Arab states on Israel would have sunk the entire review conference. Given the emphasis Mr. Obama has placed on nonproliferation, the United States could not accept such an outcome.

It also would complicate the administration’s attempts to build bridges to the Arab world, an effort that is at the heart of some of the disagreements between the United States and Israel.

I think that the last paragraph would be more correct if it read:

It also would complicate the administration’s attempts to build bridges to the Arab world, an effort that has been matched by its attempts to distance itself from Israel. These parallel efforts have caused a lot of friction with America’s main ally in the Middle East.

Given the efforts the administration has made and is making to reach out to the Muslim world, I guess it isn’t that surprising the administration official in charge of fighting antisemitism would take an expansive view of her role. *sigh*

Crossposted on Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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5 Responses to What part of antisemitism don’t you understand?

  1. JadedByPolitics says:

    If American doesn’t wake up to what is being done to Israel and Jews in the name of “multi-culturism” then I suspect the State of Israel will not make it through the next decade. I have watched in disgust at the Muslim push to change every aspect of each Country they come to while turning the populace against Jews. It has been ongoing since the late 70’s under Carter but this Country has not done near enough to VANQUISH that hate!

  2. SpeakEasy says:

    I hope both Israel and I survive to hear an American President say something like: “The United States of America has one of the strongest human rights records in the world. When we are critical of any group or individual who is Muslim you can be sure it is aimed at the individual bad actors and not the religion. That being said, we will ignore any condemnations from any group, nation or religious group that targets civilians, makes women subservient, mistreats its citizens in any manner or is run by an autocratic form of governance. We will continue to stand behind Israel until we are forced to stand beside them in war.”

    I can dream can’t I?

  3. Robert says:

    “I had not realized that reaching out to Muslims was a priority of NASA…”

    Why not? We can give them their own planet! They don’t seem very happy on this one… Nor do they fit in very well.


  4. I’ve come to the conclusion that we need to quit calling it “antiSemitism”. Setting aside the fact that we then get the observation that “Arabs are Semites, too” and the claim thsy “We are not antiSemitic, we are antiZionist”, it is really too clean and clinical a term. Better to come out and call it Jew-hatred instead, for that explicitly identifies the problem in terms too stark to be ignored.

  5. martin j smith says:

    the only solution is to first vote out any Democrat period. Even someone who is ” good” I will tell you why. Their fir5st loyalty is to the PARTY above all else. Even so called politicians who have Jewish sounding surnames. Like Schumer, for example or Nadler or Weiner for example. Second. To hold to account any RINOS or Repubiks or anyone who does not show copncern for the rise of anti-semitism and general hatred . One example, guess which group ( ethnic ) took part in a “hate crime” against Mexican immigrants in NYC ? Afrom_americans. Its pout therefor those who want to see.

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