Monthly Archives: August 2010

Your evening funny

Via Allahpundit. Spit-monitor warning. VERY funny.

Posted in Humor, Movies | 4 Comments

“I … am in the position to grant nothing”

Via Daily Alert blog. An article in the UAE’s the National Abbas is a man in exile, even among his own All Palestinian political factions, bar one, have denounced the direct talks, some in harsher language than others. Only Fatah, … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Disowning the Democrat bigots

William Saletan has a pompous, condescending piece in Slate about how liberals should not keep trying to get up in arms about how Glenn Beck is trying to co-opt Martin Luther King Jr.’s message by having a big rally, decades … Continue reading

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Omar Khadr: not guilty by reason of genetics

I am sure the person who sent me the link to site (now expired) has done so with good intentions in mind. After all, that person, who will remain unknown for the purposes of Elders’ network information security, does … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, World | 5 Comments

The “cbm” maneuver

Helene Cooper contributes a perfectly predictable Early Obstacle at Start of Mideast Talks, to the discussion of peace talks in the Middle East. President Obama will begin his one-year effort to achieve Middle East peace on Wednesday, joining a long … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Media Bias | Tagged | 7 Comments

Is the IRS Blocking Opposing Israel Viewpoints?

Z Street, run by my friend Lori Lowenthal Marcus, made the decision to apply for 501c3 status as a tax exempt organization several months ago. This week, her organization filed suit against the IRS over what it considers to be … Continue reading

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Monday, briefly

And there we have it: The preconditions are back. Actually, they never left. Mahmoud Abbas says he will exit peace talks if Israel resumes “settlement” building, even on the parts of land that Abbas has already said he will swap … Continue reading

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Abuminah’s abominable op-ed

Ali Abuminah, the founder of the anti-Israel website, Electronic Intifada, has been given op-ed space in the New York Times. In that space he has written the highly misleading, Hamas, the I.R.A. and Us. I will have to disagree with … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged | Comments Off on Abuminah’s abominable op-ed

If it’s Sunday, this must be media bias

Can the AP ever hold the bias? Ever? Regarding Bibi Netanyahu’s proposal to meet with Abbas every two week, the AP writes: The Israeli leader’s proposal appears to indicate that he is serious about the talks and won’t allow them … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel | Comments Off on If it’s Sunday, this must be media bias

What I did on my summer vacation

It’s been a productive weekend already, and I’m not even halfway through. I bought a new computer desk Thursday, and Sarah came over to help set it up yesterday. In point of fact, Sarah came over with the kids and … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

You don’t have to dig so deep to find antisemitism though

The attack on a cabbie and the desecration of a mosque have led some hysterical folks to suggest that the debate over the Ground Zero Mosque has unleashed a tide of anti-Islam behavior. (via memeorandum) Jonah Goldberg, though, throws some … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | Tagged | 5 Comments

Friday three-day weekend briefs

It’s a three-day weekend for me. I took the day off. Sarah is going to help me put together my new computer desk. That would be because I know which end of a screwdriver to hold, and how to turn … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, The One | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The subtle anti-Israel bias of the mainstream media

Check out this description in an AP article about a 3,500-year-old Egyptian trading post. See if you can detect the incredibly subtle anti-Israel bias: The settlement sheds light on ancient Egypt’s Second Intermediate Period (1600-1569 B.C.), when the Egyptian pharaohs … Continue reading

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Why Israel will never outsource her self-defense

This is why Israel will never outsource her defense: A book detailing the bombing of the Syrian nuclear reactor is coming out, and Ynet is excerpting it. The Bush administration tried to convince Israel not to bomb the reactor at … Continue reading

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The bigoted non-bigots

Nina Shea in Ground Zero Mosque:Who’s in Charge? concludes: Regarding the Ground Zero mosque, based on the information provided by the two partners in the project, we know very little about who will eventually be its directors, or who will … Continue reading

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