Monthly Archives: September 2010

The UN Anti-Israel Committee

The UNHCR has endorsed its one-sided report in which it refuses to use video evidence because it was “edited” by Israel, but it relies on eyewitness reports even while noting that those reports are untrue. The U.N. Human Rights Council … Continue reading

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Open auditions

This has been a really crappy 24 hours for me. If any Israel-haters out there want to tell me what they think of Israel and my blog, now would be a perfect time to do it. Perfect for me, anyway.

Posted in Evil Meryl | 15 Comments

The immodest hopes of J-Street

Essential to maintaining the fiction that it is a mainstream Jewish organization, J-Street was careful to pretend that received support from many sources. We see this in a press release news story that appeared last year in the Washington Post. … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Wednesday snarks

Um… what? Baby Assad is asking Mad Mahmoud to tone down his anti-Israel rhetoric? To postpone his visit to Lebanon? This can’t be a true story. I am not getting this at all. Syria is not serious about peace with … Continue reading

Posted in Iran, Israel, Lebanon, News Briefs, palestinian politics | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Fake LinkedIn message attack alert

Be careful clicking on any LinkedIn email. Starting on Monday, cyber criminals sent spam email messages targeting the LinkedIn social media community. Victims are emailed an alert link with a fictitious social media contact request. These messages accounted for as … Continue reading

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Take us to your leaders

In the wonderfully titled Third world debating society elects itself world’s envoy in case of alien contact, Q & O speculated: Can you imagine a worse institution to have represent humanity than the UN? And frankly, if intelligent aliens ever … Continue reading

Posted in Humor | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Tuesday snark briefs

And the AP is so disappointed: Israel navy halts Gaza-bound boat without violence. If you read the article in full, you will note that the AP puts objectivity to ridiculous ends by inserting the new boilerplate description of the Mavi … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Lebanon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Monday morning briefs

So long, Turkey[s]! Israelis used to vacation in Turkey in the hundreds of thousands. Not anymore. They’ve shifted their tourist dollars to Greece. The irony meter is off the charts on this one: Turkey invaded, split, and colonized Cyprus, all … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Iran, Israel, Turkey | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments


The Ozzie Osbournes are a decidedly strange couple, but damn, I like their view on performing in Israel. When asked why he hadn’t come to Israel earlier, Osbourne said “no reason really, I mean, I was drunk for too many … Continue reading

Posted in Israel | Tagged | 7 Comments

The Gaza flotillas: Now bringing aid to those who need none

After the world outcry following the Mavi Marmara incident, Israel relaxed the Gaza blockade to the point where even building materials have been sent. The world media finally stopped pretending that there is a humanitarian crisis and redefined Gazans in … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 3 Comments

UN lashes Israel over flotilla hit – and why I love Aussies

ISRAEL has attacked a UN committee that found it engaged in “wilful killing and torture” when its soldiers boarded a flotilla bound for Gaza in May. This is the way the article in The Australian starts – by copying a … Continue reading

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Things I hate doing

Being in any way, shape or form handy. Changing a lightbulb is about the extent of what I’m willing to do by myself. Which totally sucks when it comes to having to do things like put in a digital thermostat … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

What is the Status Quo?

Repeatedly over the past two years, various leaders have said the following in reference to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “The status quo is unsustainable.” The obvious implication of this statement is that things need to change. The unasked question is what … Continue reading

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Why Obama’s Mideast outreach will always fail

It doesn’t matter what tack the U.S.S. Obama takes when trying to navigate between the Muslim/Arab world and Israel. The Arab League talks a big game about peace, but they refuse to make any “confidence-building measures” of their own. Not … Continue reading

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$100 million for schools? Not if it’s for charters!

Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg is giving a $100 million grant to improve Newark‘s public schools. Having spent all but the last eight years of my life in New Jersey, I think that’s a wonderful thing. Newark is a … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene | 2 Comments