Monthly Archives: October 2010

Sunday night cats

Twofer! (Unmade bed!) ((They love the unmade bed!!)) Gracie in close-up.

Posted in Cats | 4 Comments

Oh, it’s Halloween

Went to the gym this morning and couldn’t understand what kind of idiot would work out in a floor-length dress. Then she came near me, and I realized she was a staffer in costume. (She was a princess.) Oh. Right. … Continue reading

Posted in Holidays, Life | 3 Comments

The dull, throbbing anxiety of Jonathan Franzen’s potential reader

I have a confession to make. It is with growing feelings of inferiority and frustration that I look at the growing list of authors who, according to widely accepted verdict of literary critics belong to the Pantheon of greatness or … Continue reading

Posted in American Scene, Juvenile Scorn | 9 Comments

The Stewart/Colbert rally

Is it my imagination, or were the only black people at the rally onstage when the OJays sang “Love Train“? Also, funny, isn’t it, that Stewart didn’t introduce Yusuf Islam by his full name? Oh, wait. I forgot. Cat Stevens … Continue reading

Posted in Juvenile Scorn, Pop Culture | 2 Comments

Al Qaeda: Singling out the Jews

Lair Simon said it best: To compete with UPS, FedEx in Yemen changes motto to: “When it absolutely, positively has to kill Jews overnight.” The stupider members of the anti-Israel left pointed to al Qaeda’s naming of Israel’s “occupation” as … Continue reading

Posted in Jews, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Boycott Israel: Lose your lives and your jobs

The Presybterian church (PC-USA) wants to boycott and divest from all companies that do business with Israel. Great idea, guys! You don’t want to support the country that gives us new and better ways to detect cancer with a simple … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israel Derangement Syndrome | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Rabin remembered; terror forgotten

Ethan Bronner reports in a letter from Tel Aviv on Remembering Rabin, Some See His Legacy Fading Bronner quotes Ben Dror Yemini: “The truth is the opposite,” he wrote. “Rabin’s assassination saved the Israeli left wing.” He added that before … Continue reading

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Today, in the future

This fits perfectly with Soccerdad’s post coming up in one short hour. Latma is one of the funniest shows on the air. It makes me want to learn to REALLY learn Hebrew. H/T the Elder.

Posted in Humor, Israel | Tagged | Comments Off on Today, in the future

Friday briefs

Documenting Egyptian war crimes: But there won’t be a hue and cry over them, because they were committed against Israelis. Wasted PR funds: The publisher and senior editors of the New York Times visited Ariel, the “settlement” city. My prediction: … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, News Briefs, palestinian politics | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The UN as accomplice

The other day Elder of Ziyon blogged about The Palestinian Arab plan for de-legitimizing Israel, 1968 and observed: While the PLO has not been as successful in rallying the Arab nations behind it in recent years, its propaganda plan has … Continue reading

Posted in United Nations | Comments Off on The UN as accomplice

Thursday briefs

But it’s anti-Zionism! Jordan, the nation that signed a peace treaty with Israel, does not allow Jewish religious symbols. It used to mean no religious Jew could bring t’filin into the country. Now, you can’t even wear a yarmulke. In … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Jew Cooties, News Briefs, Terrorism | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Compare and contrast: A tale of two “protests”

The AP has two ways of describing situations: One way when Israelis are involved, and another way for everyone else. Witness: Crowd harasses UN investigators in Beirut Oh, so a crowd yelled slogans or something at UN investigators? Maybe they … Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias, Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Wanting peace more than the Palestinians

A few days ago the Washington Post reported Halt to Palestinian peace talks could become permanent: In perhaps the shortest round of peace negotiations in the history of their conflict, talks between the Israelis and Palestinians have ground to a … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics | Tagged | Comments Off on Wanting peace more than the Palestinians

Things you learn when you’re tired

You can’t make toast without bread.

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

Tuesday morning Middle East briefs

Say, that Obama-Syria outreach really worked! The latest insult from Baby Assad: Bashar Assad told Al-Hayat newspaper in an interview published Tuesday that the U.S. “created chaos in every place it entered.” Smart power! So, how’s that idea about separating … Continue reading

Posted in Jew Cooties, Lebanon, News Briefs, Syria, The One | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments