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I don't know where Angie Schultz has been hiding, or how long her blog has been around (which of course I could learn with a click on the archives link, but hey, it's nearly 3 a.m. and I'm exhausted), but she is effing excellent. There are so many good posts I'm not even going to quote one. Go read them. I barely even mind that she's using reverse type (although of course I'll start to bitch about that at a later date). She's funny as all get out. She has an anecdote about the word moiety. Seriously. (But it's a really funny one.) Spread the word on this one folks, she's a winner. permalink The Bear facts on building a nuclear bomb NZ Bear explains how much uranium Iraq would need for a nuclear weapon, and whether or not the 33 lbs. (about 15 kilograms) recovered by the Turks (thank you, Turkey!) would be enough for Saddam to make an American (or Israeli) city glow. His conclusion: Yeah. Thanks, Bear. I'll sleep better tonight. No, not really. I'm wondering: Where is he going to aim it? Israel or the U.S.? Damn, we'd better take care of this. Faster, please. permalink From Mark Steyn's latest column:
(And if anyone has his email address, someone send him along my proposal, will you?) permalink Saw this on The Corner:
Ah, no. I see it as a ringing endorsement of why affirmative action should be race-based (frankly, it can be no other way). The left hates it when the right deliberately misconstrues what was said and turns it into an insult, when it wasn't. Townsend was in no way defending the racism of old, but that doesn't stop Roger Clegg from accusing her of it. Speaking of not getting it, Jonah Goldberg can't tell when Mark Twain is kidding (via God ofthe Machine). Read the letter from Twain (who went ballistic when he heard the library was banning his books) he quotes. And Goldberg says that it's okay to ban some books. Which ones, Jonah? One person's offense is another's great literature. I like this God of the Machine guy. Found him via a referrer to my site. I especially like his short, simple reasons for a pre-emptive strike.
Another New Yorker, hey? Hm. I'm getting more and more willing to organize and/or attend a NJ-area blogger get-together. I'm going to be back in NJ for Thanksgiving, from Wednesday to Saturday (have to come back home Saturday to teach the kids on Sunday). I'll think about it. The only thing I know for sure is that I should be hooking up with former fiancé Bruce Hill (War Now! is gone, but his brother and others at Silent Running take up the torch) around that time, as he'll be in the States for a visit. Hm. Bill, you don't think he's looking to win me back, do you? This could get interesting. Speaking of Bill, he's got a link to a pretty funny invention. I'd have to say it's a really kick-ass invention, in fact. (I did have to say it. I told Bill I would.) Steven Leed has a response to Tom Waits' letter praising John Densmore's refusal to "sell out" the Doors to corporate advertising. (You remember—I wrote about it yesterday.) Another New Jerseyan, but he's not proud of it. Notice that I am linking to him anyway. And will likely link to him again in the future. Perhaps I can give him lessons on being proud of having been born in New Jersey. Reason number one: It's one of the original 13 colonies. New Jersey helped make the United States what it is today. It doesn't matter if your ancestors were in Europe at the time, you live there now, and get to bask in the reflected glory. Reason number two: It isn't Delaware. More later. Update: Steve says he's not a native New Jerseyan. Oooohhhhh. That explains it. Hey, Susanna! Sounds to me like you and he have a few things in common. Y'all should get together. Judging by something he said about his neighborhood, I have a hunch you don't live too far apart. I feel like I need to balance out all the New York-New Jersey links with a link from another region. So I went over to Damian Penny's and cycled between pride and outrage, as I always do. Damian, I know it's not your fault, but you can't know how many times I've wanted to throw things through the monitor because of what I read on your site. I think I'll stop now and go have brunch. permalink 9/27/02 The Vice Presidency and the spike file Laurence Simon has (I think) offered me the Vice Presidential spot on his all-blogger ticket for 2004. I think he's wise to choose me. His primary qualification for VP is that he needs to have one that people won't want to have as President, so he won't get shot. Well, Lair, I think you're right. Yes, we're looking at an all-Jew ticket, but hey, nobody said it was going to be easy to begin with. And here's why no one will shoot you: This country will not stomach a female President. They don't want one, not now, anyway. Oh, they talk a good talk—Libby Dole, Condi Rice, Diane Feinstein, even the [shudder] prospect of President Hillary. Well, add my Jewishness to the mix, and then my Northeastern liberal roots, and you've got a three-strike Vice Presidential candidate. They'd rather shoot me than you, and that's what a President needs the most in a Vice President. Well, that and the ability to stop you from leaping on your opponents with a claw hammer in each hand. So if that was an offer, I accept. (It pays better than web development, anyhow.) On to the discussion of the Spike file: I used to write my essays in Word and cut-and-paste, but then I got the DW upgrade and the better editor. I find the differences in our writing styles fascinating. The spiked items that I throw away are generally items that I realized were too narrow in scope to begin with (do my readers really care about another blogwar with someone who's pissing me off?) or just plain too dumb to ever be able to work properly (yeah, your readers really give a shit what your favorite breakfast is). Actually, one of my readers once challenged me to make a post that made navel lint seem interesting, and I did, so maybe I'll get back to that breakfast thing someday. But the blogwars—been there, done that, bored now. The difference in anger levels of our posts seems apparent to me, though perhaps on some of my posts, not apparent to others. There are times (see below) when I post from that level, and there are times when my anger sits and simmers and comes to a slow boil. That's when I write my best essays. In my opinion, if you can submerge your anger and turn it into a more subtle vitriol, it can be a far more memorable piece than a screaming fit. Which is not to say I think Lair's style is wrong. It's just different. But then, when Lair says "Yeah, I've been tempted to regret some of the things I post. Shucky darn, I'm all out of shits to give," it pretty much delineates our main difference. There are some issues on which I agree with him—for instance, anti-Semites can go fuck off, I am done with pretending I care what they think, or whether they live or die—but for the most part, I still have a bunch of shits to give. Which will come in handy when I'm trying to muster up the votes in Congress that Lair needs to pass his programs. Good cop, bad cop. That will be us. Nobody needs to know how very much alike we really are. permalink The New York Times needs to be on the Campus Watch list Glenn, stop feeding my fires today. There's an article in today's New York Times about the new Daniel Pipes-sponsored site, Campus Watch. The article brings up shades of McCarthy (because of course, when you try to point out the ills of the speech of the left it is always censorship and McCarthyism, but if it's the ills of the right, it's free speech, and this, mind you, is coming from a self-proclaimed liberal). It cites various professors who, as a protest move, are boldly asking Pipes to include them in his list of professors to be watched. Oh. How original. How daring. How bold. Yeah, whatever. But after quoting various academics, the Times concludes with this paragraph:
Emphasis, as always, is mine. Let's quote from an eyewitness account about that little "fracas," shall we?
And from this article:
Yeah. That was some little fracas. Those damned Jews, getting in the way of the Palestinians fists and feet. Way to go, Times. Way to keep those home biases burning. Way to make sure I never buy another issue of your newspaper. permalink Come on Densmore, light my fire Via Instapundit: John Densmore wrote an article on why he'll never "sell out," that is, why you'll never hear a Doors song touting cars or sneakers or anything else on commercials. And near the end of the article, he wrote this:
But somewhere else in the article, he wrote this:
I wasn't aware that America had been reduced to two classes. Huh. So, if there's no middle class, why are the politicians fighting over the nonexistent middle class taxes, or the nonexistent middle class vote? And where does he think the anti-globo protesters come from, the slums of Ethiopia? Oh, what do I know, I'm just a hopeless proletariat who doesn't care if rock artists sell their songs to greedy corporations. (Yes, I'll take three of those Jags, please, because Sting's song is really cool. Nice to see you think so highly of the prole's intellectual capabilities, John.) Hey, we Jews know what your woman activist friend is talking about. We've seen them in action in Washington and San Francisco. We'll probably see them again this weekend. I don't think it was what you meant, John, but typically, the anti-Semitism of the left gets ignored while you're all pursuing the higher matters. Like ageing rock artists selling their songs to corporations for use in commercials. And regarding those higher matters: A self-proclaimed multimillionaire writes an article on how cool and steadfast he is for not selling out. I, a member of the (nonexistent) middle class, who has lived on an income in the five figures her entire life, salute you. I don't see how you've resisted lo, these many years. It must be so hard, especially when those annoying corporations keep sending you letters offering you gazillions of dollars for one little song. Everyone knows the difference between a multi-millionaire and a multi-multi-millionaire is only another group of seven figures. So cheers for John Densmore, sitting in his mansion, and resisting the pull of the multiple millions being dangled in front of him. Rock on, dude. And thank you for reminding me that I hate the Doors. All that posing must have gotten to me in my youth. Lord spare us from celebrities who think they have a mission in life. I'll take the crassness of Ozzy, thank you very much. At least he's not a poseur. permalink One of those nights: Spike it. Or maybe one of those days. Everything I've written this evening has been put in the spike file. The promised post on the international Zionist conspiracy is sitting and ageing for a bit; I'm not quite sure it's done yet. I may need to run it past a few of my friends for some feedback. (And for those of you who have discovered that I put drafts out there for feedback and what the name of the file is, rest assured that I will no longer be using that file name. Sneaky little buggers, aren't you? Shame my web stats rat you out.) I've been asked to write more Cattales. I'm trying, I'm trying. I actually want to write a Dogtales, but I need to get a picture of Heidi with the three dogs trailing after her as she tries to move around the house doing simple things like putting in a load of laundry. It's absolutely hilarious to watch the parade of paws trailing behind her. I am deliberately staying away from the latest outrages from the Middle East and from campuses across North America, because my blood pressure can't take it right now. There are a few emails I need to catch up on, and a few websites to link. But I waited until late to write this, and I'm too tired to even check my mailbox. Although there is the letter I received during the Buffy Blogburst from the guy who decided that was the day to tell me how wrong I am on the Middle East situation. Yeah, that was relevant to what I was doing that day. Way to get me to listen to an argument—read less than a week's worth of posts and then tell me how wrong I am. That's second only to telling me that I'm a crummy writer or a stupid thinker, and by the way, would I link to this post that proves it? So how many other bloggers out there have a spike file? Mine is called "temp" and it currently has more than two dozen posts that have yet to see the light of day. (No, it is not online. It is on my hard drive.) If you don't have one, then you need to create one. Here's a free tip toward good blogging: You need to learn how to tell when an essay is working or not working, and if it's not working, put it aside and come back to it later. Or get someone else to give you feedback on it. (Not me, unless you and I already have a relationship like that.) Or dump it for good. It's one of the secrets to my success. I write, I edit, I re-edit. I put a piece aside, and come back to it a day or a week or three months later. If it works, it gets posted. If it doesn't, it stays hidden or, sometimes, I recognize a useless idea and throw it away completely. The spike file is where my most emotional rants wind up, and often stay. Free tip number two: Don't post something that you wrote in extreme anger. Give yourself time to breathe and re-read it. You publish fewer apologies and retractions that way. (I have yet to get caught reacting to a news article that turned out to be false, or based on false information, because I won't jump on the bandwagon of outrage until I'm sure an event is true. I hate corrections. Part of that perfectionist, obsessive-compulsive thing.) So the post about being in the blogroll ghetto will have to wait, as will the ones on faith, and moral exhaustion, my favorite breakfast, and why I don't hate journalists. But maybe they'll come out into the light someday when I can't think of a thing to write. Or when they demand my attention again. permalink Charles Johnson: Your influence is showing Check out the lead in this Arab News article:
Charles, they're definitely reading your website. Take a bow. You're casting quite a long shadow. permalink Gary's got the touch this week A quick visit to Gary Farber's place brought me too many links to pass along. But of course, I will. Scientology suppresses another website via search engine, and here's the heart of the matter on which Gary and I agree wholeheartedly:
I like Gary's take on John Dean's (he's not dead?) call for the repeal of the 17th Amendment. (What, the peons are too stupid to choose our own representatives now?) Okay. So a former member of the Nixon Administration (the ones responsible for Watergate and attempting to subvert the United States Constitution) thinks we should take the power to elect senators out of the people's hands and into the hands of the legislature. Hey, I'm sold, how about you? And how effing stupid is Dean? Can you imagine how easy the opposition is going to have it? The text of one simple commercial, read by a man with a deep, baritone voice: The politicians and special-interest groups who want to repeal the 17th Amendment don't think the people should have the right to vote for their own senators. They think only politicians should choose other politicians. If you don't want your right to vote taken away for good, vote no on repealing the 17th Amendment. (And I didn't even have to think to make that up.) Of course, the killer quote I found over at Gary's was a news report on Dick Armey stating why American Jews are divided between liberals and conservatives. His reasoning? Only conservatives think. Wow. This unthinking liberal has just decided that she probably won't break her umpteen-year tradition of not voting for conservatives—or Republicans. I mean, it's all so complicated. How can I possibly begin to muster the thought processes that will cause me to push down the levers on Row B instead of Row A? Perhaps I should just keep listening to Julie Brown's "Cause I'm a blond" and not think about it some more. Gary, as for the Arab News columnist writing in favor of Saddam Hussein's overthrow, I find it completely unremarkable. The Arab News is an organ of the Saudi government. It prints what they want us to hear. The Saudis have decided to stop pissing into the wind and join the anti-Saddam corps. Ergo, their English-language state newspaper prints such articles. Yawn. permalink Medical professionals volunteer for Israel Judith Weiss passed this along to me:
It doesn't say you have to be Jewish. Anyone who fulfills the above requirements and wants to experience life in Israel for a week, as well as advance your medical knowledge (here's praying there will be no terrorist attacks while you're there), email the above address. permalink 9/25/02 It seems Buffy is hugely popular; the blogburst received an enormous amount of referrals (half of them from Instapundit, what with the hang-time of being the lead article for some four hours including lunchtime yesterday). But we knew that Buffy is popular. And the season premiere rocked. My jaw simply dropped at the last scene, plus, Joss Whedon scared the hell out of me throughout most of the show. I haven't been that creeped out since "Hush." I have a busy day scheduled and may not get to much blogging until later. (Ooh! West Wing premiere tonight. Much later.) But I have a post that details the international Zionist conspiracies that rule the world. Well, except that if you don't hear from me later, or the post doesn't go up, or, well, if my computer suddenly crashes and I lose all the data in the hard drive or if my ISP goes down today, you'll know why. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all until I posted the information; now they're going to be after me. Hey. I didn't get my migraine yesterday until after I had my morning orange juice. Perhaps I should have it tested. Okay, would someone please tell me who is the clown who put me on the Nigerian scam spam mailing list? They just keep coming and coming. Today's crop: One by (I'm not making this up) " harrison nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn abed." Yes, there really are all those "n's" in his name, and I'm sad to inform you that his email address is harri2002@ilovejesus.net. (Take it away, spambots!) If Jesus loves me, why is he allowing harrison nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn abed to spam me? It's a very confusing message. Shapiro Morris has changed his name. Now it's Dr. Thomas Menakala who sent me a letter about Girl who operates computer getting my name and trying to give me my share of the $152,000,000.00 USD. See? Even the Nigerian spam artists are anti-Semites. Or maybe they're just plain ignorant. Listen, Harisson nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn (how do you pronounce that, anyway? N? or nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? Perhaps only nnn?) uh, abed. If you change Shapiro Morris to Dr. Shapiro Morris, you'll definitely get more suckers sending you their bank account numbers. People trust Jewish doctors with their lives. I've actually been deleting the rest of my Nigerian spam. Call me crazy. (And yeah, I read all about the secretary who cost her job $2 million USD. She's not stupid. She didn't lose her money, did she? Okay, so she's going to jail for a few years. It still wasn't her money.) A reader forwarded me another $152,000,000.000 USD letter signed by a Mr, Walter Orah , (the commas are his, not mine). Obviously the Girl who operates computer has learned her Microsoft Word mail merge, but not very well. Perhaps we should make a game of trying to guess the next official-sounding name to come down the pike. Do you think they have the balls enough to use Kofi Annan's name? I'd send him my bank account. Hm. I do believe I have rambled long enough. Enjoy the day, and try not to send your bank account numbers to strangers in email. Send them to me instead. permalink 9/24/02 See below. permalink Although the Instalanche is getting the word out, there are people who rely on updates from Weblogs.com, and I'm pretty sure that Dave's program won't accept a changed post as an update. So here's the filler: More Buffy blogs below, a few more to come. Plus, I got the chance to read them all (say goodbye, migraine iris) and excerpt a few things. Still a few more to come, including a cartoon from Amptoons, so stay tuned (ooh, that was as much fun to read as it is to say). permalink I get migraines, occasionally. They generally include an iris across my vision, which makes it nearly impossible to do anything at all while I have the migraine. One started ten minutes ago. I have all but one or two of the Buffy Blogburst URLs, so I'm heading back to bed for a while and will pick up on it later. Meantime, if you folks want to email any interested parties, feel free to do so. This is the first Blogburst that isn't concerned with violence, bigotry, death, destruction, and—oh, wait. Yes it is. Fictional, but yeah. My bad. permalink The Buffy Blogburst Index, updated The following is the index of a blogburst, a simultaneous, cross-linked posting of many blogs on a single theme. This blogburst concerns Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its spinoff series, Angel. Here's what we have as of 10:45 p.m. Any more, or can I go to bed now? Peter David has a quick'n'dirty review of tonight's episode. (Yeah, the cameos of the last two minutes were absolutely jaw-dropping, but yes, it was great to see them all. And any comics fan that did not get the "Miss Harkness" joke needs to go back and read some 70s-era Fantastic Four.) Irongall writes about trusting Joss Whedon:
N.Z. Bear has a discussion with a visitor from Sunnydale:
Amptoon's piece is up, complete with multiple caricatures of Willow (I should send him a photo for a caricature).
Not here—you have to go to his site for the graphics. Silent Running: Tom Paine sees a parallel in Willow's descent into darkness and the Arab-Israeli situation:
Mac Thomason treats us to the adventures of Captain Euro in Sunnydale: Charles Kuffner finds the common threads between Buffy and the Sopranos.
Nick Danger's defending Season Six:
Stacy Sekimori's got a treat: Her favorite Buffy tunes in mp3 format, available for download. Fire up those mp3 players! Dave Tepper writes about the difference betwen horror and terror.
Nora Cox points out that in the Buffyverse, actions have consequences.
Karl Martino points out that Buffy's critics (the ones who think it's too violent or has too much sex) can't see the forest for the trees.
Barbara Hudock is addicted to Buffy. And she blames her husband for it.
Kathy shares her pre-Buffy schedule with us. (I obsess over the VCR, too. I check and re-check and re-re-check to make sure it's going to tape the right channel at the right time.) Stephen Green chimes in. Why am I not surprised at the subject matter he chose? (By the way, I'd just start watching. It'll be a year and a half before the rest of the episodes are available on DVD, though you could probably find someone [kaff-kaff] who has seasons four through six complete on tape). Alex Frantz has several hours to go in his time zone, but I'm running out of time for dinner here. (Lucky for him, I read fast.)
Crooowblog's got the reviews for us. Dodgeblog has a late entry: He's a convert now. "Pap, lame American crap" my eye. I could have told you how wrong you were. Next time, just ask. And this guy Ryan jumped into the Blogburst, so what the heck. There's room:
Mine's below. No, I'm not going to link it, ferchrissakes, it's three lines down! permalink Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Yeah, it is for everyone The show is entering its seventh season this year. Its successful spinoff series, Angel, begins a fourth season. Buffy is more than a cult hit. Cult hits last a couple of years, maybe three, then they get canceled, in spite of excellent reviews and a stalwart fan base. Cult hits live on in rerun history. Buffy is heading for season seven, and shows no sign of losing its fan base. The big question for next season is whether or not Sarah Michelle Gellar will sign on for Season Eight. So what is it about the show? How is it that the story of a former cheerleader who was chosen to be the Slayer, the one who fights demons and vampires, has managed to appeal to enough fans to survive happily in syndication while so many other teen-oriented shows failed to make it past their sixth week? It could be the excellence and realism (allowing for the demons, of course) of the writing. The plots don't end in neat little happily-ever-after scenarios. Buffy's mother dies of a brain tumor, her first love becomes a murderous sociopath, she spends her nights slaying demons and saving the world, and her days working at a fast-food joint. Her kid sister isn't really her sister, well, she is now, but she used to be a ball of energy. Her best friend is a witch who just went power-mad and tried to destroy the world. Her other best friend was about to marry a former demon whose job it was to curse men who hurt women. Of course he left her at the altar. Oh, and that death thing? Buffy came back—from heaven—because Willow (the witch) cast a spell that jerked her out of Paradise, right into her coffin—six feet under the earth. It could be the characters. They change and grow. We met them as sophomores in high school and watched them grow through their various stages. Willow went from super-nerd to confident witch, oh, and she came out of the closet while she was at it. Xander went from being an insecure, wisecracking teenager living in his parents' basement, to foreman in a construction company, living in an outstanding retro-furnished apartment that I wouldn't mind having. Buffy? She's grown in power and wisdom, taking on the mother role for kid sister Dawn, and realizing that yes, there are more fun things she would rather be doing, but Slaying is what she was born for—and likely what she will die from. It could be the plots. It helps to know some background, but there are more than enough stand-alone episodes per season. Two of my particular favorites are the Halloween episodes. In "Halloween," the characters are turned into the characters of the costumes they were wearing. So the town is filled with child-sized ghosts, goblins, and demons as Buffy becomes an 18th-century woman whose superpower is to faint when something stressful happens. Xander's Army fatigues and toy gun become the real thing, and the games that ensue are wonderul. That particular episode is matched two years later by "Fear, Itself," where the characters get stuck inside a frat house that becomes inhabited by a fear demon that pretty much wrecks the Halloween party. The episode seesaws between humor and horror (a large bunny suit, a chainsaw-bearing Giles, and corpses that rise up and talk, for instance), with the end as a literal foot-stomper of a gag. That and "Hush" are the two episodes I choose to show people who have never seen the series before as examples of what they're missing. (In "Hush," Joss Whedon's skill as a writer and director are showcased. There is no dialogue at all for 29 minutes of the episode, and the gang has to fight the creepiest villains ever without being able to talk.) It could be the humor. Besides wiseass lines in all the episodes, there are some that are purely funny. Beer Bad is one of the the best, complete with obnoxious pseudo-intellectual underclassmen who discuss Thomas Aquinas and put down the proletariat bartender (Xander). In Band Candy, all the adults in Sunnydale act like teenagers due to enchanted chocolate bars, and Buffy has to put up with seeing her mother fall for Giles' teenaged personality. (And in a later episode, after Buffy gets the ability to hear thoughts, she tells Giles, "Sure, we can work out after school. You know, if you're not too busy having sex with my mother!" as he walks straight into a tree. (Never underestimate the value of a well-done sight gag.) But overall, it is Buffy's universal reach that keeps the show a hit. Teenagers watch it because it's about teenagers. Adults watch it because the themes it covers are universal: Lost love, loneliness, being different, the end of innocence, loving the wrong kind of men, fear of losing control, the death of a parent, mob mentality, taking responsibility for your actions, feeling out of place, betrayal—the list goes on. The monsters that Buffy deals with are most often the physical representations of the real-life monsters we've all met at one time or another. The actors are fond of telling interviewers that if Joss Whedon had had a good experience in high school, Buffy wouldn't exist. Sorry your high school years sucked, Joss. But your fans are glad they did. permalink 9/23/02 Please allow me to repeat myself: Anti-Semites of the world, just die Ribbity Frog has an excellent response to the most effing clueless moronic piece I have ever read in any newspaper outside of the Arab world. Nice job, Independent, employing effing morons like this.
Bigwig catches up with Laurence Simon in the tastelessness marathon. (Don't worry, folks, this one won't be over for years and years and years, and maybe years.) Speaking of Lair, he's running for President in '04. I wanted to be Attorney General, but he's—get this—using this Tony Woodlief guy. Hey. How is he any more qualified to be the top law enforcement agent in the country than I? Which of us has been arrested more times, huh? Huh? Inquiring minds want to know. However, I'll take Secretary of Education. I happen to have an in with the Education Testing Service. Together, we can mold the minds of America. Beware. Vegard Valberg got tired of spammers, too. And now I'm tired of surfing, so go do it yourself, please. Come back later for the Buffy BlogBurst. permalink There's a conversation going on at Blogroots about sexism in blogging. I would say "Only on the Internet can you find a line like 'If you honestly believe that I'm interested in turning your scrotum into a dadaist crucifixion piece, then you've truly misconstrued the boundaries of civilized society and a post intended as obvious satire,' " but I think I heard someone say that once in the pub at Montclair State College (after much wine and beer was ingested). I think, folks, that the best things to come out of Dawn's accusations of sexism in the blogosphere are twofold: One, we are talking about it. Discussion is a good thing. And two, women bloggers are getting more exposure. I've seen many, many posts on the order of, "Wow, I didn't know about those women bloggers until you linked to them. Thanks." By the way, I missed Richard Bennett's rip, so here's the link now. Ah, Richard, that's what I love about you. You always take the moral high ground in any discussion. And damn, nobody can misinterpret quotes like you (mine was about interest, not knowledgeability) or pile on misleading data.
Your table was cherry-picked from an article and points out only one small aspect of the news-seeking public. For instance, there's this lead paragraph describing the information displayed in the table you quote:
Of course, if you look at the section above, you find that knowledge of international affairs increases with both age and education, and that interest in the subject among female college graduates has nearly tripled in the last two years. (That's from "Section III: International News Modest Interest Beyond an Elite Audience".) I find most interesting the statistic that only 21% of Americans overall are interested in international news, which rather flays your contention that men are political whizzes and women are into watching Oprah. The overall gender breakdown for that is 26% of men and 16% of women show an interest in international affairs (and don't forget to take into account that plus-minus 3% factor. The difference could be as low as four percentage points.) So Richard, perhaps your statement above should be emended to read "In spite of the fact that four out of five Americans are uninterested in world affairs, a slightly larger percentage of men are more knowledgeable than women about certain international facts." But then, that would be losing the hyperbole, and that's what makes your Omphalos so interesting, Richard. Misleading, but interesting. (By the way, thanks so much for the sources. Hugs and kisses.) permalink This one belongs on A Perfect Morning. Diane E.'s take on the 9/11 anniversary:
If you're not reading Letter From Gotham regularly, you're missing out on a lot. permalink You know, if that title isn't an Asian country yet, give it time. It will be. (I think that as long as I'm channeling my Inner Bitch, I may as well channel my inner wiseass. Er, okay. I always channel my inner wiseass.) Bruce Hill's War Now! has been shut down. That would be why I'm not linking to it. Taking its place is Silent Running, a double-fisted (quadruple-fisted?) group blog run by Murray Hill, Bruce's brother (not the old New York area phone exchange). Bruce's voice will be missed. Mostly. But we have Tom Paine and Wind Rider and Murray to take his place. Susanna Cornett is slapping around some stupid young thing who manages to make the vast majority of loony-leftists look intelligent. Yeah, that's a little harsher than I usually get, but check out this idiotic quote:
I'd link to her blog but, well, I don't want to. You'll have to read Susanna's post to get there. (Wow, that first sentence is like, so profound, you know? "Is a death not a death?" Kewl. We should get that, like, tattooed.) Lynn B., who is my blogdaughter (and yet, I am younger than she—how can I be her blogmom? The mind reels, and she's gonna be so mad I divulged this fact...) Where was I? Oh, yes. If I'm following this post correctly, Lynn got Electronic Intifada all pissed off because she threw a pebble down the mountain of lies about the Jenin non-massacre that caused an avalanche and ultimately wound up as a story in Ha'aretz (albeit no credit for Lynn, boo!). Upshot: EI is unhappy. Now there's a surprise. See if you can follow the maze to the same conclusion I reached, and rest assured, if I'm wrong, Lynn will correct me. (She can be such a nag, that daughter of mine.) Update: Toldja I'd have to do this. Lynn got the story from Ha'aretz, not the other way 'round. Of course, anyway way you look at it, Electronic Intifada is pissed off, and that's a plus in my book. Ronnie Schreiber needs our help. He wants to go to Israel to participate in a bike ride for chairty. He's going to bike from Jerusalem to Eilat to raise money for Alyn Hospital, a hospital that treats patients regardless of origin. (Funny how so many Israeli hospitals are like that, isn't it? In that "violent, hateful nation" that twit above decries. Moron.) Anyway. Please click on the link to Ronnie's page for more information. We raised a lot of money for Sha'are Zedek Hospital, and there are even more people reading this page now, so surely we can help him raise a couple grand. (By the way, if you've forgotten to mail in your pledge to Sha'are Zedek, don't feel guilty. Send it now. And remember, I can't tell it's late. Just pretend it was sent out weeks ago.) I wanted to give Bill Allison top spot on a Monday morning, but all those other things got in my way. I'll give him top spot another time. He has a terrific blog that makes me wonder exactly how he finds time to blog, what with working, raising a family, and doing all that reading, but it's obvious: Bill's a Renaissance Man. I cannot write anything on this issue that will not come out as five hundred words of swears. Rick Heller, however, has written a succinct, cogent response to this pathetic excuse for a column in the Boston Globe. (And if you scroll down, you'll see Rick's having terrorist nightmares. Haven't had those yet, Rick, but I don't count them out.) This woman reads a lot. Joanne Jacobs, who has been added to my links page, really gets around. And she used "jejune" in a sentence that mocks the use of "jejune." My kinda woman. I think that's it for the linkage for the moment. It's Monday, folks, don't forget to check out what you missed over the weekend by reading last week's archives. Tell a friend. Tell two friends. Wow, I'm plugging myself. I haven't done that on my own weblog before. (Yes, I have. That's what the left menu and the bottom paragraph are for.) Look at that, I'm even criticizing myself. I'd better be careful before all the voices in my head come out and I start sounding like Bigwig. permalink 9/22/02 Thanks, Joe. Just when I needed something for my Inner Bitch to take apart today, you sent me the link to this site, Jews for Allah. And at the risk of insulting, well, lots of people, I have to point out that you've missed a source for, well, hilarity. (But then, you and I have different ways of looking at things.) The logic behind this dude's suppositions is almost enough to make me respect the logic of Ann Coulter. Almost. Let's examine, for example, the insistence that Solomon referred to Muhammed in the Songs of Solomon:
The next verse is a howler. I didn't write the last sentence. The author did.
Glad you asked.
There's lots more. But that was the first page I clicked on, and now I'm too worn out to look anywhere else. Although he wraps himself into a pretzel to attempt to prove that Mohammed did not slaughter Jews by the hundreds, and you'll never guess whose fault it is that story gets so much play: That's right. The J-E-W-S. And "Was Moses or Mohammed Kinder to Jews?" is a hoot. Way to try to attract Jews, dude—call Moses an anti-Semite. Yeah, that'll work. And if you're not Jewish or Christian, but you've been persuaded to convert by the sparkling wit and intellect of these arguments, it's all right—all are welcome in their "rainbow of Nations." (Wow, can they possibly make those page names any longer?) Me, I think I'll stick with Judaism. I'm thinking that if the word mahmad came up in our Bible at all, it meant exactly what it's supposed to mean: mahmad. (Oh, like I paid attention to what this guy was saying? Yeah, right. Dictionary, please.) permalink Last week's blogs are archived. Here's the Blogathon. The Superhero Dating Ratings are here. If you're looking for something funny, try the Hulk's solution to the Middle East conflict, or Yasser Arafat Secret Phone Transcripts. Iseema bin Laden's diary and The Fudd Doctrine are also good bets if you've never been here before.