11/22/03 It's in the seventies again. Sarah and the two oldest boys will be here in an hour, and we're taking down the top of the Jeep and going to the Richmond Museum of Science for the Grossology exhibit. There will be much "ew"ing. permalink 11/21/03 "Jerusalem Day" is a day observed throughout the Muslim world, a day in which they do the things that peaceful Muslims do: Call for the deaths of Israel and the U.S., their people, and their leaders.
Two words for you, Sweetums: Oil money. Gee, if only your corrupt leaders had been donating their excess profits to the poor and needy Muslims of the world, instead of to the fat, bloated oil ticks like the Saudi "royal" family, Saddam Hussein's golden palaces, and the rulers of the other corrupt kleptocracies. Then again, what do you expect from the man who is waiting for Iran to get nuclear weapons so they can blow up Israel with them? Can you say "lying, stinking hypocrite"? I knew you could. permalink Syria on peace with Israel and fighting terror: What's in it for us? How serious are the Arabs about making peace with Israel? Well, how's this for their true feelings?
Here's the Syrian opinion on fighting terrorism:
In other words: Pay us, or we'll let the terrorists continue plotting to kill you, the British, and, of course, Jews all around the world. You know, the "What's in it for us?" method. Or the "Why should we care, you're the ones who are dying" method. Buzz his palace again, Arik. Only this time, leave him a present. Maybe a half-ton present. Oh, what the hell. Leave him the full ton. Send a real message about states that support terrorists. permalink 11/20/03 I am extremely busy today, so this will have to do. And don't worry, Gracie fans, she'll catch up with Tig soon. (Some might say she's way ahead of him, since he's sound asleep upstairs and she's been outside all afternoon.) Sometimes I feel like a linking post is just a placeholder until I can get my mind going again. Like this morning. Carnival of the Vanities is at Peaktalk this week. I haven't heard about anyone being censored from the list. I suspect we're done with that now. This guy's getting higher and higher on my radar screen. But why do I constantly want to pronounce his blog name "Quando?" I mean, that sounds like a real word, doesn't it? Anyway, yeah, I knew all about Palestinian textbooks teaching hate. They're not fooling anyone by telling us how the Israeli commission that examined the textbooks "exaggerated" the content of the, ah, textbook example palestinian hatred towards Jews. No, wait, they're fooling the Indymidiots, but that's quite a low bar. Bigwig, just be a decent role model. You show your daughter that you respect strong, independent women, and she will grow up to become one. I had no idea what a profound influence I was having on my younger brother as we were growing up, but he told me a few years ago that my mother and I completely shaped his attitudes toward women. His wife is a strong, independent woman (with whom I do not discuss politics, as she's a hard-right conservative and damn, can she argue). All the movies in the world can't compare to the opinion your daughter is shaping about you and her mother. (And he's separated the Ngnat stories from the beer posts again, thankfully. Sure, I'll read beer posts, if you'll read posts about the time, length, duration, and level of abdominal cramps I go through every 28 days.) I wouldn't even know about Equatorial Guinea if I hadn't watched Sixty Minutes last week, too. Good thing I did, now I know why Bigwig is angry about it. Woundwort gets a word in edgewise about gay marriage, and wonders if President Bush is going to send the 101st Airborne to Massachusetts. Wow. Noah Shachtman writes about the Pentagon's plan to create missiles that could outrun the Concorde. Er, I don't intend to reserve a seat on one, though. Angie Schultz is all over Reuters' anti-American ass. Hey, someone has to take the other anti- beat. I've got the Reuters anti-Semitism angle all covered. (By the way, if you click on "Are you afraid of the dark?" in the left menu, it turns her page into readable colors. Ignore the "weenie" remark after having protected your eyesight.) Scroll on down, Angie is always worth reading. Okay. Enough placeholders for now. I'm tired and hungry. permalink 11/19/03 An Egyptian asks: Why am I a Zionist? I received a letter from an Egyptian named Heba yesterday. I'm afraid I don't know gender of Egyptian names.
Let's take the points one at a time, and Heba, I'm not sarcastic to people who are looking for straightforward answers.
Zionism originally was the movement for the establishment of a Jewish state. It is now the movement in support of the continued existence of the State of Israel. I defend Zionism because I believe that Israel has the right to exist. My belief in and support of Zionism has nothing to do with the palestinian state. They are two separate issues. My belief is that when the terrorists stop murdering Israeli children in their beds and stop blowing up innocent Israelis in restaurants, then I might turn my discussion toward a palestinian state. Not before. Not until. However, let's not forget that when the United Nations partitioned the old British mandate of Palestine, the Jews said, "Well, that's less than we wanted, but we'll take it." The Arab nations, including Egypt, declared war on the Jews. And many Arabs and Muslims insist today that Israel does not have the right to exist.
Actually, much of what is reported from the ground in the West Bank are lies. I can send you a link to a film of a palestinian "funeral" where the "mourners" dropped the body and the body jumped up and ran off. The lies of the "Jenin massacre" have been exposed time and again. The biggest lie of all is that Ariel Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount—which Muslims call Al-Aqsa—started the latest Intifada. I'm not saying your classmate wasn't shot. But I suspect that Israeli soldiers weren't targeting her, and in fact, many palestinians turn out to have been shot by their own people—not by Israeli soldiers. Of course, Israeli government sites and Israel press sources are regularly ignored and demonized by the Arab press. I don't know how you feel about them as sources, but an independent press—one that is not subject to government restrictions—is far more worthy of trust in my mind. Note that I am not saying that life isn't awful for the palestinians. But they're the ones who harbor the terrorists among them, who honor the murderers of babies, who name soccer stadiums and streets after mass murderers, and who, when polled by their own pollsters, overwhelmingly approve of suicide bombs as a legitimate weapon against Israelis. We have a saying here: You reap what you sow. Bullets don't fly for no reason. And far fewer innocent Palestinians have been killed than have been reported.
I don't need another country to call my own. I'm an American and quite happy to remain one. That doesn't mean I can't support Israel in fact and in principle. But there are also more than five million Israeli Jews who do have Israel as a country to call their own. Many of them are descended from Jews who were forced out of the Arab nations after the establishment of the State of Israel. It's not so easy to practice Judaism wherever we want to, and fighting for our rights is what we're doing in Israel. Because the world hasn't had a sterling record to date in protecting Jews' right to worship as we please. Your point here is a bit disingenuous. Judaism is a religion, yes. But Jews are also a people, a culture. It's the most difficult part of trying to get others to understand what being Jewish entails. I can be an atheist and still be Jewish. Some people say I can convert to Christianity and still be Jewish. (At the very least, I was still born a Jew.) Perhaps if we never called ourselves Jews to begin with, if we had called ourselves Israeli for the past several thousand years, or perhaps if we called Israel "Jewland" or "Jewsylvania" or something like that, people would get that you can be a Jew and not be religious. Egyptians are mostly Muslim, but many are Christian, too. And while we're on that topic: How many practicing Jews do you know of in Egypt? Did you know that it is illegal to practice anything but Islam in Saudi Arabia? When was the last new church built in Egypt? Did you know the laws there forbid a church to be built within a certain distance of a mosque, or if the locals object to it, or if the government decides that there aren't enough Christians to support the building of a new church? Go ahead, try to get a new church built in Cairo. Not so easy to practice a minority religion even in your own country, is it? Are you beginning to understand why Jews finally decided we needed a place to call our own? Judaism is not a religion like any other religion, because no other religion has been so victimized by so many different nations over so many thousands of years. And it still goes on today. Did you watch those Ramadan miniseries based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion? More lies about the Jews, created by your country's television studios.
We didn't move "somewhere." We moved to the land of Israel, the land that had a continuous Jewish presence for three millennia. It was our homeland. Jews began to immigrate back in the 19th century, buying the land from local Arabs, who sold it willingly. But the Arabs decided at some point that they didn't want to live in peace with the Jews anymore, and it was long before the Holocaust occurred. Did you know that the Jews of Hebron were massacred in 1929? I'm sure you've heard all about Deir Yassin, but not a word about Hebron except for what you hear today about the "settlers" in that town. Even the name, "Hebron," is Jewish. Where do you think it came from? It's a Biblical town, and until 1929, had a significant Jewish population.
I see no conflict between being intelligent, well-read, and supporting Zionism, but I suspect again that your definition of the word does not match mine. Once more, a Zionist is one who supports the State of Israel as a homeland for Jews. As for Jews who are not Zionists, I find them to be idiots. The echoes of the 1930s are being heard in the Europe of the 21st century and throughout the Muslim world. I am pleased no end that I received a letter from an Egyptian who does not seem to hate me because I am Jewish, and who is interested in hearing a different viewpoint. But most of your countrymen don't seem to think like you do, and if you're a Muslim, most of your coreligionists don't seem to have anything but hatred for me and my people. I read the English-language Arab press. The libels about "Zionists" are the same filth that was being spewed by Goebbels' propaganda machine 70 years ago, only they simply called us Jews back then. I would like nothing more than for Jews and Arabs to live in peace and prosperity. But there seems to be a problem on the Arab end with accepting the existence of a Jewish state in the neighborhood. As Imshin (an Israeli Jew) said some time ago, the Israelis aren't going anywhere. Time to get over it, accept it, and work out a peaceful solution. Hope that helped, Heba, and thank you for your letter. permalink Turkish officials say they know who committed the atrocities. These are some of the victims of those atrocities.
Anet's grandmother was killed in the blast as well. permalink Frank J: The J stands for Joooooooo Since Frank has been the victim of anti-Semitism, and since Frank is Catholic, and especially since he created this absolutely hilarious t-shirt, using the power vested in me by, uh, myself, I am appointing Frank an honorary Jew. There, Frank, now people can hate you for a semi-real reason. Via Judith Weiss, who emailed me about the t-shirt (which you can purchase here). permalink 11/18/03 In today's Guardian: Like I said below.... A quick look at Israel articles in today's Guardian brings us several examples of the "liberal left" refusing to "rediscover its old values":
The "alleged anti-Semitism" to which the article refers?
And on the side of every article detailing Israel, you get these headlines (among others):
Nope. No anti-Israel slant here. None at all. But here's my favorite part of the entire Guardian website: Their special report: Israel and the Middle East, where you can find their repetition of the lies about Jenin, in Flash format. They don't call it a massacre. They merely hint about it by using the phrase "scores of bodies" over and over again. Then there's this incredibly biased "history" of Israel (also Flash, whee!). And yet, they have the nerve to ask this question in today's editorial:
Guardian, heal thyself. permalink The Guardian and anti-Semitism Combustible Boy sent me the URL to today's Guardian editorial, which decries anti-Semitism. Perhaps, he wrote, it's not a bad sign. This is because he knows that I think the Guardian is one of Britain's leading contributors to the current wave of anti-Semitism sweeping the nation. Why? Because of constant biased anti-Israel reporting, and because of editorials like this one, written in the aftermath of the deadly synagogue bombings in Turkey:
You see, it's the Jews' fault. If only they hadn't insisted upon creating a state on the heels of the Holocaust, they'd be living in perfect harmony in the midst of the Muslim world. Say, why is it there are Jews in Turkey again?
Right. Fleeing from the anti-Semitism of the western nations. Those poor, poor, pitiful Jews. They were victims. In her mind, they still are, and so, deserving of pity—because they're minorities, and live at the sufferance of their neighbors, just like the Jews used to. But just let her get to the topic of Israel:
Bash, bash, bash. Bad Jews! How dare you not be subservient anymore?
You see? The existence of the state of Israel is the greatest threat to the Jews of Turkey than anything in the last five centuries. It's Israel's fault that Palestinian terrorists attacked the largest synagogue in Turkey and murdered 22 Jews at worship. Not the terrorists. And this asshole presumes to speak for the Turkish Jewish community. Why? because she is writing a book about minorities in Turkey. It's the Little Brown People Syndrome. The Brits know better than the natives, of course, what's good for them. She should read Little Green Footballs, where a reader has been printing emails of a relative of his from Turkey:
You see, that is from a Jew on the scene. Fiachra Gibbons isn't there. But she knows what the Jewish community in Turkey is thinking. Well, except she doesn't. And neither is she finished whipping Israel yet.
It's all Israel's fault, you see, that the Jews in Turkey were killed. If only Israel didn't exist, Jews everywhere would be safe as children—as long as they keep their heads down and make sure they get along with the majority citizens in their adopted homeland. Sure. Any student of Jewish history would agree with her. Just take a look at the Europeans in the 1930s and 40s. Or the Russians in the late nineteenth century. Or the Arab nations before, during, and after the establishment of the state of Israel. The Nazis did their work well there. By the way, compare Gibbons' nifty-keen saying with the emotions of a Jew in Turkey who was on the scene of the disaster:
Yes. But not according to Fiachra Gibbons. And she knows best, doesn't she? She's studied the minorities in Turkey. So the Guardian sheds its crocodile tears today, and publishes this:
Look to your own backyard, hypocrites. And folks, if you can stomach the Guardian's conclusion without wanting to throw up, you've got stronger stomachs than I.
Hold an effing mirror up to yourselves, and your question is answered. The media is the message. permalink 11/17/03 I went back to Peak Experiences today. First I checked out Galyan's, a sporting goods store in a new mall around here, because I was told that they have a free climbing wall for preferred customers. It's free, but it's only open after 5 p.m. on weekdays, and it was midafternoon when I went. So back to the Peak. See, I had this thought, actually, a series of thoughts. I have a certain personality trait that can only be called obsessive. I go through phases where I really, really, really like something, and do it a lot. These phases sometimes last for years, so I don't know if they actually come under the heading of obsessive. But I haven't been this excited about something since I discovered Photon (the original Laser Tag) shortly after I graduated college. Come to think of it, that was a pretty physical game, too. Lots of running and ducking and hiding. So anyway, I went back to Peak Experiences and picked up a job application. And, well, climbed three more rock walls while I was there. Two different 25-foot courses and the same 50-foot course as I did Saturday, which took even longer, because although my muscles have recovered somewhat, I'm still not in shape. And damn, those staffers are evil. I was really, really tired, rested several times, and finally called down to Matt "You know, I don't have three children cheering me on this time. The only one who will care if I don't make it is me." "That's right," he said, "you're the only one who's going to care if you can't do it. And you're almost there. Bastard. Anyway. They're hiring. They want people who like children and can work with them. I want to climb rock walls without having to pay for them, and I want to get into shape. I think I feel an obsession coming on. I think we can help each other out, Peak Experiences and me. If you find extremely light blogging on weekends soon, you'll know why. permalink Hulk SMASH Tigger! Hulk SMASH! So I have this constant problem known as Tigger. He wants to be constantly paid attention to; I want to do many other things while I am home; this causes a number of disagreements. Tig's favorite attention-getting ploy is to leap onto the sofa and try to push what is on the sofa, off. Of course, there are those who suggest I not leave anything on my sofa, to which I reply: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You don't really know me very well, do you? So I've tried various things. Over the course of my last two cats, I discovered that sneakers and shoes are a good disciplinary tool. You launch them in the general direction of the cat that is annoying you, and the annoying behavior stops. After a while, they learn to stop the annoying behavior when they see you leaning down to grab a shoe. This, of course, only works if you have a pair of shoes within reach. The other disciplinary tool is the spray bottle, which requires that you keep a bottle filled with water within reach, remember that you have a bottle of water within reach, and then pick up said bottle, go to where the cat is, and spray it. This works, too, mostly, and also has the added advantage of the cat ceasing its behavior when you pick up the bottle. However, I have found the ultimate cat disciplinary tool: Hulk Hands. A generous reader (thanks again, Daniel!) sent me them as a gift earlier this year. The cats are terrified of the noises the hands make. About two weeks ago, I was exasperated at Tig's unruly behavior, and remembering that he was afraid of the Hulk Hands, I pounded one of them, which proceeded to yell "HULK SMASH!" and let out that weird crunching noise that goes with the yell. Tig ceased his annoying behavior immediately. I have been using the Hulk hands to great effect ever since, often merely having to brandish one (I keep it on the table next to the computer). And just now, before I wrote this post, Tig was on the sofa knocking down the unsorted mail (yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I have to sort the mail), and I pounded the Hulk Hand, and the Hulk Hand yelled "HULK SMASH!", and Tig quickly leaped off the sofa and, well, I don't know where he went. But he's not bothering me anymore, so that counts as a win. Hulk smash Tigger. Meryl happy. permalink The long, deep roots of anti-Semitism If you haven't read this essay in its entirety, you're missing one of the best essays on anti-Semitism I have ever read. It's a better-written, far less emotional version of many of the things I've written in the past two years. The author is Natan Sharansky, former Soviet refusenik, current Israeli minister. Some excerpts:
Read the entirety. I'd read some of it before, but not the whole thing. I'm going to buy the Commentary magazine in which this essay appears. This one's a keeper. permalink For those of you with no background in programming who are jumping all over poor Laura, here's a tip: It's a programming error. Laura had nothing to do with it. Spread the word and tell people to leave the poor kid alone. She's having a baby. Update: Jason says he was hacked. But it still wasn't Laura, people. A programmer she ain't. permalink 11/16/03 So as near as I can figure out, if you're using Hosting Matters and routing your email through them, I can receive your email, but not respond to it with my weblog acount. That's anything that goes through the yourish.com mail servers. So if you have a Hosting Matters email account, don't expect me to be answering your email anytime soon. Sorry. My people say it's HM, and HM says it's "Not a standard blacklisting problem" and they'll get back to me. However, I'm not a "standard HM paying customer." I'm not holding my breath. permalink John Kusch is someone I've seen many times in comment threads on feminist issues. I've loved what I've read there. Well, he fisked the Kim Du Toit essay. Yes, all of it. Here's a sample:
There's more, and much of it is R-rated. Verbal only, but your work filters may not like it. On the other hand, it's hilarious. What's this? A new post from N.Z. Bear? Yes, it is! And he says that Paris Hilton is acting like a blogger.
Ilyka Damen should have been on my portal page ages ago. She is now. Kesher Talk's read-worthy posts are too numerous to list. Just go check out the site and start reading. Guaranteed you'll get lost in the links and commentary. Kate keeps on libeling me that way, I'm gonna have to sic a lawyer on her or something. Oh, wait. She's a lawyer. Maybe I can hire her and save myself the trouble. Can I link to Kate without linking to Kelley? No, not really. Not since that Hawaii trip. I think that in spite of being separated by six thousand miles, they're joined at the hip. permalink If you weren't here yesterday, you missed my birthday post, which includes a picture of my butt. (And let me tell you, those harnesses make everyone's butt look too big.) ((And by the way, yes, I'm moving slowly today, and yes, I'm stiff and tired, but no, I have not taken any aspirin or Ibuprofen or any other painkiller. I'm not that old.) Israelly Cool has moved off Blogspot. Mazal tov! The Weekly Standard has the smoking-gun memo that proves Al Qaeda and Iraq had close ties in The Saddam-Osama Connection. A reader who is one-quarter Greek objected to my posts making fun of Yanni as part of my response to anti-Semitic composer whatshisname. If you were offended by my posts, I strongly recommend that you do not read Lair Simon's response to the "apology." permalink Last week's blogs are archived. Looking for the Buffy Blogburst Index? Here's Israel vs. the world. Here's the Blogathon. The Superhero Dating Ratings are here. If you're looking for something funny, try the Hulk's solution to the Middle East conflict, or Yasser Arafat Secret Phone Transcripts. Iseema bin Laden's diary and The Fudd Doctrine are also good bets if you've never been here before.