Arrest Warrant Issued in
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA—An arrest warrant was issued in Wisconsin
for the murder of a bluejay by Tigger Yourish of Richmond, Virginia.
Following the highly unsuccessful attempt to allow
hunting of feral cats, the Cheeseheads are looking for more
publicity and have seized on the murder of innocent birds by domestic
"Domestic cats are fed by their owners. They don't need to
hunt. It's murder," said J. Goldberg, a spokesman for the Friends
of Cat-Haters of Wisconsin. When asked how they expect cats to overcome
their instinct, the spokesman said, "Instinct, shminstinct.
It's murder, murder I tell you! They're not like dogs. Dogs don't
hunt animals for no reason." When asked about the many breeds
of hunting dogs who kill rabbits, moles, squirrels, and other small
animals, Goldberg said, "Well, dogs are different. Dogs are,
uh, well, they're not cats!"
Meryl Yourish, owner of Tigger, said, "Oh, please. It's bad
enough he killed the damned thing before breakfast. I don't
think anyone should have to get rid of a dead bird before they've
even had their breakfast."
The alleged killer, when questioned about the murder, said, "Mrowr?"
Yourish said there is no truth to the rumor that the anonymous
tip was placed by Gracie. "I know she wants to be an only cat,
but to go this far? I don't think so."
Gracie could not be reached for comment.
British anti-Semitsm: It's getting
Yet another Jewish cemetery
was desecrated on Wednesday—the third in one week. Europeans
think they know who is responsible.
It is the latest in a rising number of racially motivated
attacks on Jewish cemeteries across Britain. This was the 117th Jewish
cemetery desecrated in Britain since 1990 and the third to be discovered
in a week.
On the wall of the Rainham Jewish cemetery in Essex,
it was discovered yesterday, two giant swastikas and the words "Yids
out" had been daubed in paint. Last week, vandals smashed 100 gravestones
in a historic cemetery in Manchester.
The desecration is part of a rise in anti-Semitic incidents
in Britain, including violent attacks on children and orthodox Jews.
There were 532 anti-Semitic incidents last year, the highest since records
began 20 years ago.
Earlier this week, the European Commission against
Racism and Intolerance said it was "concerned at the considerable
and steady increase of anti-Semitic incidents in the United Kingdom."
"While these incidents usually mirror tensions
in the Middle East, representatives of the Jewish communities report
there now seems to be a higher level of background violence against
these communities," the report by the European human rights watchdog
said. "Although manifestations of anti-Semitism continue to come
from extreme right-wing and neo-Nazi groups, an increasing number ...
is reportedly coming from Muslim fundamentalist groups,"
the report said.
No, I blame you. I blame the media that constantly portrays Israel as
the villain of the Middle East. I blame human rights organizations who
send letters to Israel every time a palestinian child stubs its toe, and
stays silent while Iran tortures and murders its own citizens. I blame
the anti-globalization protesters who bear anti-Semitic and anti-Israel
signs at every "peace" rally. I blame the British media that
think a cartoon of Ariel Sharon eating a palestinian baby is worthy of
an award, and that a magazine cover with the Star of David piercing the
Union Jack is not anti-Semitic. That it's okay for Tom Dalyell to question
the Jewish heritage of British politicians, and to say that President
Bush is being unduly influenced by Jews.
J'accuse, Britain. J'accuse.
People for the [Un]Ethical Treatment
of Animals
Two PETA members have been arrested on animal cruelty charges. (Hat tip:
Citizen Smash.)
Two employees of People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals were arrested on animal cruelty charges in Ahoskie, N.C., after
investigators saw dead dogs being thrown into a grocery store garbage
container Wednesday, according to the Ahoskie Police Department.
Ahoskie police conducting surveillance as part of a
monthlong investigation reported finding 18 dead dogs in the container
and 13 animal carcasses in a van registered to PETA and seized by authorities.
The cats and dogs were taken Wednesday from animal
shelters in Northampton and Bertie counties, police said. Animals had
been collected every Wednesday for four weeks, and carcasses had been
found dumped in Ahoskie every Wednesday for about a month, Ahoskie Police
Chief Troy Fitzhugh said.
Two veterinarians said they were told that PETA would
try to find homes for animals taken from their practices.
Ingrid Newkirk, of course, is shocked, shocked.
“We are appalled if this actually happened,”
PETA President Ingrid Newkirk said. “We would absolutely never
condone this behavior.”
Newkirk said of Hinkle: “She’s the Mother
Teresa of animals. She’s a very kind, decent person.”
Hm. I don't think Mother Teresa euthanized and tossed into the garbage
any of the sick people she cared for. Get this next sentence. The boldface.
PETA says it routinely picks up animals at pounds to
have them adopted or, if necessary, euthanized.
Shelter officials knew some of the animals, which are
not always “cute, cuddly, housebroken or small,” would need
to be put down, Newkirk said.
Among the dead animals, though, authorities found a
female cat and her two “very adoptable” kittens taken from
Ahoskie Animal Hospital, veterinarian Patrick Proctor said.
“These were just kittens we were trying to find
homes for,” Proctor said. “PETA said they would do that, but
these cats never made it out of the county.”
When Proctor evaluated one dead dog for police, he
discovered a healthy, 6-month-old mutt with a needle mark on its front
right leg, he said.
I don't understand. If killing animals for food is murder, then what
is taking animals from pounds and euthanizing them? Sending them to their
Happy Place?
Oh, here's another thing I don't think Mother Teresa used to carry around
with her.
He also identified what he called a “death kit”
that police found in the van. It was filled with syringes and two drugs
that only licensed veterinarians can have, he said.
So, they're also breaking whatever laws cover carrying those drugs, and
acting as vets. And this is not to prevent animals from being killed.
It is in order to kill them.
“PETA will never pick up another animal from my
practice,” Proctor said.
Good to know.
So. PETA fans who don't like my annual International Eat an Animal for
PETA Day: What have you got to say about this, hm? I'd love to hear from
you, but I doubt I will.
morning news
What truce? Part gazillion: Say, remember
that interview with ABC where Mahmoud Abbas said palestinians had given
up on suicide bombing because
"the culture of violence" is over? Someone forgot to tell
Hamas and Hezbullah. And, oh yeah, Fatah, Abbas' own cronies. Effing
liar. Effing morons who believe him. The IDF broke up a teen
suicide bomber ring.
Eight Palestinians were arrested on suspicion of planning
a suicide bombing, according to a report released yesterday by the Shin
Bet security service. The eight, who had received money and orders from
Hezbollah in Lebanon, were arrested by the Israel Defense Forces and
the Shin Bet in May, while they allegedly were in the last stages of
planning the bombings.
The eight are residents of the Nablus region and members
of the Fatah military wing. Four had agreed to commit the suicide attacks,
according to the Shin Bet.
The four who had agreed to commit the attacks were
all between the ages of 15 and 16, and were residents of the Askar refugee
camp near Nablus.
And, oh, yeah, That's the Hezbollah that only yesterday had one of their
leaders quoted as saying they have nothing
to do with terrorism. (And just for fun, read the moral equivalence
of this
AP piece and try not to get sick over it.)
Speaking of Hebollah: A Lebanese immigrant—illegal,
no less—was found guilty
of fundraising for terrorists—here in America.
According to federal prosecutors, Kourani was a fighter,
recruiter and fund-raiser for Hezbollah and operated in both Lebanon
and the United States. Prosecutors said his brother, Haidar, was chief
of military security for the group in southern Lebanon and directed
Kourani's U.S. activities.
"Hezbollah pays attention to these kinds of cases,"
prosecutor Kenneth Chadwell said. "The message, your honor, should
be, 'Don't come here.'"
Breaking into tears several times, Kourani apologized
for his actions and asked to be allowed to return as soon as possible
to his family in Lebanon.
Poor baby. He misses his family. Well, he's not seeing them for five
years. Should be longer.
What a great headline: In Ynet.
‘Palestinian whining to continue’
But wait, it gets better:
The Palestinians are not happy with the disengagement
plan, to say the least, the officer said, but they are forced to accept
it because the international community presses them.
“In their (Palestinian) eyes, they are
always the victim who gets screwed,” he said.
Not, it gets even better:
Outwardly, the Palestinians may say the disengagement
plan marks a victory for them and their strategy, namely the path of
terrorism, but they understand this is not the case, the IDF official
said, and added the Palestinians know Israel is moving ahead with the
withdrawal because it is in the country’s best interest.
“This plan, which hinges on separation between
the two populations, will deliver a severe blow to terrorism by significantly
minimizing (terrorists’) ability to hit Israel’s civilian
population,” he said. “The disengagement undermines the essence
of terrorism, which strives to hurt civilians. That’s why they
don’t like it.”
I don't know who this unnamed officer is, but I think I want to marry
Okay. I'm off to work. Give me stuff to read in the comments, willya?
Work gets boring sometimes.
Oh, happy day
A new Patricia McKillip novel for lunchtime reading, and Mary Chapin
Carpenter for an evening concert. I can only think of one thing that would
have made the day even better, but hey, you can't have everything. Maybe
next time.
choice of songs was puzzling. You'd have thought this was the Come
On, Come On tour—she played six songs from that album
("The Hard Way," "He Thinks He'll Keep Her," "Rhythm
of the Blues, "I Feel Lucky," "Passionate Kisses,"
and "I Take My Chances"). She didn't play a single song from
time*sex*love, the album before last which I think is her best
ever. She did only two from her new album, Between Here and Gone,
neither of which was the title track, even though that's what was on the
t-shirt. (Didn't buy it.) Instead, she performed"What Would You Say
To Me?" and "In My Heaven," both songs I like, but I was
rather hoping for "Grand Central Station" or "Elysium"
or "Girls Like Me." There were a few more oldies, including
"Down at the Twist and Shout," "Stones in the Road,"
and one I wasn't expecting but which got into my head this morning and
made me hope she'd sing it: "Why Walk When You Can Fly." But
she didn't sing "This Shirt." Ah, well. Can't have everything.
Fifteen songs, three of which were new or not on any album. I liked them
I suspect she's not going to wait four years between albums this time,
not if she's testing three new songs on the last leg of her tour.
Y'know, it doesn't take much to make me happy. I had one of those you-know-what-eating
grins on my face most of the night. It was a great concert, and I was
in the fourth row, which made it even better. It's nice having your favorite
artist standing about twenty feet away from you, singing some of your
favorite songs.
And she was funny. The buildup to "In My Heaven" included
her take on watching American Idol ("a sick fascination with watching
someone get cut off the knees every week—and then asked to sing").
I think I'm going to get on her mailing list. I think I'm going to see
MCC concerts a lot more frequently. Funny, I have every album she's ever
made, but this was my first time at one of her concerts. None of my friends
like her that much. What can I say, they have no taste. Okay, they have
taste in some things, but not when it comes to Mary Chapin Carpenter.
Wednesday briefs
Hezbullah: Don't ban us because we hate Jews. It's
a biased
piece. The Guardian manages to ignore UN rulings that state Israel
has withdrawn completely from the disputed areas of Lebanon, but even
it can't mask Hezbullah's true intent towards Israel:
She said she could not see a time when Lebanon and
Israel could coexist peacefully: "Do you imagine one day the wolf
and the sheep will live in peace? This is only in Walt Disney [films]
Mrs Fakhry said her group believes in the destruction
of Israel and expulsion of tens of thousands of Jews: "This is
a hope, a long-term strategy.
"Israelis don't have a right to stay in Palestine,
the state of Israel is an illegal state.
"One day the Palestinians will destroy Israel
and return to their land."
Nice people. Sure, we won't continue calling them a terrorist organization.
Just because they have 10,000 rockets aimed at northern Israel, that doesn't
mean they're going to actually use them. Oh, wait. Read that quote
Oh, this'll work: The Israelis are planning
on transferring
control of Jenin to the PA.
JERUSALEM (AP) - Israel hopes to transfer the West
Bank town of Jenin to Palestinian control soon so Palestinian forces
can ensure calm in the area when Israel pulls out of four nearby communities
this summer, Palestinian officials said Wednesday.
The offer to pull out of Jenin, a center of militant
activity, signaled Israel's concern that Palestinian militants could
wage attacks on Israeli forces as they try to evacuate four settlements
in the northern West Bank and all 21 settlements in Gaza this summer.
Israel agreed during truce talks in February to transfer
five mainly peaceful towns to Palestinian control, but has only handed
over two of them, arguing that the Palestinians are not taking enough
action against militants. Jenin was not one of the five on the list.
Good, so reward them by giving them the home of the most suicide bombers
in all the terrortories [sic]. Great work.
What truce? cont'd:
Palestinians fired a mortar shell towards a workers'
crossing near the Gaza Strip settlement of Neveh Dekalim early Wednesday
No one was wounded and no damage was reported in the
attack, Israel Radio reported. Soldiers opened fire on the attackers
in response.
And I'm out of here. I'll be home late tonight, as Mary Chapin Carpenter
is gracing Richmond with her presence, and I am gracing her concert with
mine. Decided to splurge and get myself the preferred seating, so if they
let me take my camera in, we may get a shot or two on the weblog.
Probably going to spend all day wondering which songs she's going to
sing. I have all her albums, and know them all. I hope she plays "This
Shirt." It's one of my favorite of her older songs.
The Flood, Part II
Last night at bedtime, I realized that I'd forgotten to wash the clothes
I would need to work in the next day. Not wanting to go to work in jeans
and a t-shirt, I put the load of laundry in and went to bed, intending
to dry it in the morning while I showered. I came downstairs this morning
after hitting the snooze alarm and wondering why NPR felt that
leading their 7 a.m. news report with the Michael Jackson verdict was
more important than, say, any other news in existence (I refuse to wake
up to anything but classical music; unfortunately, the classical stations
insist on having news in the morning sometimes, ew). When I arrived
in the kitchen, I was greeted by a flood of water all over the kitchen
floor, looking exactly like the flood that happened one
year and nine months ago. The way I I figure it, if I move out of
here in under 21 months, I'll miss the next one.
time, I had towels, my terrycloth bathrobe, and a blanket on the floor
by the washer waiting their turns to be cleaned. They absorbed quite a
bit of yucky water. So did the paper bags in the closet that I've been
saving to give to Sarah's farm share people. Well. Several loads of laundry
and much effor later, the closet is clean again, and the kitchen floor
is, too.
Gracie went all flippy-kitty on the floor. She is the strangest creature.
She loves the smell of bleach. I put bleach into the bucket of
water and cleaner, what with not knowing what kind of bacteria was in
that backed-up water. When the floor dried, Gracie rolled and rolled,
but I didn't get a picture. I was interrupted by a neighbor I'll be dogsitting
for on the weekend. When I got back, Gracie was just sitting in the kitchen
going, "What? I wasn't rolling. Must have been some other cat named
Gracie." I keep trying to get her back in there, but she has decided
she's had enough of bleach smell for the moment.
This was the best I could do. Notice the "Who, me?" look. Yeah,
right. Little Miss Innocent. I know better.
The last word on the Michael
Jackson case
What's the media going to do for the rest of the summer?
Let's hear it for the Yourish
support team!
While I sleep, apparently there are a bunch of elves who work on my domain
and take care of everything for me. Witness the following letter, titled
"Your password has been successfully updated:"
Dear user meryl,
You have successfully updated the password of your
Yourish account.
Cool, but I didn't change the password of my Yourish account.
If you did not authorize this change or if you need
assistance with your account, please contact Yourish customer service
at: support at yourish.com
Um. How am I supposed to do this? I am the support here, and when
I'm stuck, then Wind Rider helps
me out. Okay, let's see what's left.
Thank you for using Yourish!
The Yourish Support Team
I was used? I was used? I feel so—used.
+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ Yourish Antivirus - www.yourish.com
But clean from viruses. So now all I have to do is open the attachment,
Wow. I didn't even know I had a tech team. Or a Yourish antivirus
service. And along with this nifty letter, they sent me a zip file! I
wonder what could be inside that zip file? I'll bet it's really
But wait, it gets better. I got another one on the same day. This one
is titled "Members support," and it's from webmaster at yourish.com
Dear Yourish Member,
Um. That's slightly icky, considering I'm a female Yourish. Actually,
it'd be icky even if I were a male Yourish, because, really, who writes
letters to body parts? (Besides sociopaths and serial killers.)
Your e-mail account was used to send a huge amount
of unsolicited spam messages during the recent week. If you could please
take 5-10 minutes out of your online experience and confirm the attached
document so you will not run into any future problems with the online
It took me a while to parse that sentence, because it is in desperate
need of a comma after the word "could" in the second sentence.
It could also use a breakdown into several sentence, but hey, what do
you expect from spam?
On the other hand, I'm confused: What, exactly, am I supposed to confirm?
That the attached is a document? (It is not. It's a zip file.) The content
of said supposed document? Can't do that unless I open it—oh, I get
it. It's a virus scam. (Okay, I really figured it out a long time
ago, but this is for the intelligence-impaired.) But here's the best part:
If you choose to ignore our request, you leave us no
choice but to cancel your membership.
No! Not my Yourish membership! Why, I'd be nameless without it!
Virtually yours,
The Yourish Support Team
Hey! My own support team is going to cancel my own membership! Talk about
the Groucho line for real! They're not gonna let me be in a club that
has me as a member!
Check out that signoff, too. "Virtually yours"—oh, come
on, how tacky is that?
+++ Attachment: No Virus found
+++ Yourish Antivirus - www.yourish.com
Phew. There's no virus in the attachment, so I can open it. I suppose
I could actually copy the thing and examine it, but I think I'll just
stick it in the trash.
Oh, and I'm firing my support team. Idiots don't even know who their
boss is? I'll show them.
She's a grand old flag
Taken last year at Fort Lee on July Fourth:

It's Flag Day.
Tuesday morning briefs
palestinian injustice system: They admit
(again) that the collaborators murdered by the PA (without fair trials)
were, uh, not
collaborators. Oh, sorry, our bad.
Fatah gunmen admitted over the weekend that nine Palestinians
who were murdered in Bethlehem on suspicion of collaboration with Israel
were actually innocent victims of lawlessness.
The suspected "collaborators" were executed
by members of Fatah's armed wing, Aksa Martyrs Brigades, shortly before
the IDF raided Bethlehem in 2002 as part of Operation Defensive Shield.
Since the outbreak of the intifada, scores of Palestinians
have been murdered in the West Bank and Gaza Strip for allegedly helping
the Shin Bet (Israel's Internal Security Service) track down and kill
wanted gunmen and members of various Palestinian factions. Most of the
killings have been claimed by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades.
This is the part of the article that just leaps out at me:
Most of the "collaborators" in Bethlehem
were kidnapped and executed in public squares by Fatah gunmen, some
whom have been given sanctuary in European countries after hiding in
the Church of Nativity during the IDF incursion of 2002.
This is the same Europe that rails against America for still having the
death penalty. Apparently, it's okay to harbor murderers even if they
don't kill only Jews.
Watch the spin begin: Jewish groups are
finally starting to publicize
the Jewish refugee problem—the hundreds of thousands of Jews
that fled or were forced out of Arab nations since the inception of Israel.
(Most of them ended up in Israel.) I am eagerly looking forward to hearing
how the Exception Clause will be instituted for this group of refugees,
and what the United Nations will say
These are the gunmen Al-Kidwa refuses
to disarm: Thugs,
thugs, and more
The Palestinian Authority's security forces include
many thugs and gangsters responsible for the ongoing state of anarchy
and lawlessness in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, PA Interior Minister
Gen. Nasser Youssef has told Palestinian legislators.
The PA interior minister also revealed that some security
officers were involved in various crimes, including drug trafficking.
In an implicit reference to Yasser Arafat, Gen. Youssef said that the
PA leadership did nothing to improve the work of the Palestinian security
forces over the past 10 years.
Lovely people. Let's give them a state.
Looks like that conference
isn't really about anti-Semitism, after all.
A conference on racism sponsored by the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Cordoba, Spain failed
to approve a joint declaration condemning "racism, anti-Semitism
and xenophobia" yesterday after some delegates demanded that xenophobia
appear before anti-Semitism in the resolution's text.
Delegates from Great Britain, the Netherlands and Belgium
demanded the change at the two-day conference, which opened yesterday.
No agreement was reached yesterday, but a source close to the negotiations
said the declaration would probably read in accordance with the demand
of the delegates from the three countries.
So what do you think they mean by "xenophobia"? Could it have
something to do with all those Arab immigrants in Europe?
And, gee, what an important issue. Let's change the order of the words,
because, well, it's not like anti-Semitism is a problem anywhere, right?
In a report released to coincide withthe conference,
New York-based Human Rights First said racist and anti-Semitic violence
is up dramatically in much of Europe.
Yes, and the ADL recently discovered
43% of Europeans believe that Jews are not loyal to
their country and some 30% believe Jews possess too much power in business
and finance. The survey, conducted in 12 European countries, found that
53% of the 6,000 respondents say that their opinion of Jews is worse
as a result of the actions taken by Israel.
It isn't the actions taken by Israel. It's the spin the world media puts
on them.
Some funny links
This one is via Sarah G.: Dinosaurs
attacked Noah's Ark! (Note, this is not a what-if scenario. It really
happened. Honest.)
Here's a link to a very, very funny abridged
version of The Revenge of the Sith. There are also abridged scripts
of the three Lord of the Rings films on the sidebar. Spit-monitor warnings
all around.
And this one, Sarah reminded me yesterday, is a true classic that deserves
to be read again and again, even though I've linked it before: Dogs
in Elk.
By the way, which one's Pink?
Lynn B. found an unintentionally
hilarious quote on the RIAA
website's page about piracy:
Breaking into the music business is no picnic. Piracy
makes it tougher to survive and even tougher to break through. As recording
artist "Tool" noted, "Basically, it's about music --
if you didn't create it, why should you exploit it? True fans don't
rip off their artists."
The recording artist "Tool,"
hm? Which one would that be? Maynard
James Keenan? Danny
Carey? Justin
Chancellor? Adam
There is no recording artist named "Tool." There's a group
called Tool, made up of the above men. Perhaps the real tool is the one
who wrote the copy for that page.
Carnival of the Cats is at Music
and Cats, a great-named blog.
I went over to Sarah's and had
this for dessert last night. Envy me? You should. (Tasty-looking picture,
ain't it?)
Lies the terrorists told me
The big news on AP today is that Islamic Jihad and Hamas are threatening
to end the "cease-fire" that has been the cause of the so-called
"lull" in violence for the past four months.
(Update: The article is now titled "Palestinian
Groups: Israel Violated Truce." No, there's no anti-Israel media
bias. None at all.)
Except there has been no lull, only a lessening. Every
day—there have been attacks on Israeli civilians and soldiers.
Take, for example, June 7th, the day that AP describes like this:
The ceasefire has brought a sharp drop in violence,
although sporadic bloodshed has persisted. Abbas met with militants
in Gaza last week in an effort to shore up the truce following a
new flare-up.
This was the flare-up according to the
Incidents of the Day:
* 05:53 -- Fire was opened against an IDF force adjacent
to the community Neve Dekalim in the southern Gaza Strip.
* 07:21 -- A number of Kassam rockets were launched from the area of
Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip. One of the rockets hit a house
in a city in the western Negev.
* 07:42 -- During a survey by security forces two more Kassam rockets
hit a city in the western Negev and open land adjacent to it.
* 06:56 -- IDF Forces identified an armed terrorist near Jenin. The
soldiers stopped the armed terrorist and six others. The suspects were
handed over to security forces for investigation.
* 11:30 -- During the night a Palestinian suspected of being involved
with dangerous terrorists was identified as he infiltrated the fence
along the international border, heading towards Rafiah from Egypt. He
entered into a prohibited area and then proceeded along a route known
to be used for smuggling sophisticated weaponry and many dangerous and
hostile activists. IDF forces that were in the region opened fire and
it him a few meters from the border fence.
* 12:09 -- Fire was opened against an IDF post near the Gadid community
in the southern Gaza Strip.
* 12:52 -- An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF position along the
Egyptian-Israeli border near Rafiah.
* 13:52 -- An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF post at the Kissufim
junction in the central Gaza Strip.
* 14:10 -- A mortar shell landed in open territory near the security
fence surrounding the northern Gaza Strip.
* 14:40 -- IDF forces identified a short while ago three unarmed Palestinians
as they tried to break through the security fence near Kibbutz Miflasim
in the northern Gaza Strip. The three were caught by IDF forces and
handed over to security forces for investigation. (Since the start of
2005, the IDF has stopped 72 attempts to penetrate into Israel.)
* 15:13 -- Two workers, one Chinese and one Palestinian, were killed
and six injured by a mortar shell that was fired at the greenhouses
of an Israeli community in the southern Gaza Strip. The victims were
evacuated for medical treatment in a hospital.
* 15:57 -- An anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF post on the Israeli-Egyptian
border, near Rafiah. Two additional anti-tank missiles were fired at
an IDF position north of Kissufim, in the central Gaza Strip.
* 16:07 -- Fire was opened at an IDF position in Kedim.
* 17:36 -- Three Kassam rockets were fired at an Israeli community in
the western Negev. They landed in open land adjacent to the community.
* 17:40 -- Four Kassam rockets were fired at two Israeli communities
in the western Negev. The rockets landed in undeveloped land adjacent
to the communities.
* 17:55 -- Fire was opened at an IDF post at the Karnei-Nezarim junction,
in the northern Gaza Strip.
* 17:59 -- Fire was opened at an IDF post by the community or Rafiah
HaYam in the southern Gaza Strip.
For this, the terrorists were rewarded by getting Abbas to use his Catch-and-Release(™
Lair Simon) program and let go
the two terrorists responsible for the last suicide bombing in Israel.
The one that took place during the "relative lull" in violence.
In Tel Aviv.
Five people were killed from this action during the "lull."
The press also overlooks the main reason there is a "lull"
in attacks: Because the IDF and Israeli security services are working
to stop sucide bombings. They've prevented over
50 attacks so far this year—during the so-called "lull."
The PA has prevented about six. And now the terrorists are stepping up
their use of children, so much so that Amnesty actually felt compelled
to send
a letter to the PA about it. (Yes, I'm sure that strongly-worded letter
will make them stop. Well, no, not really.)
The press also seems to overlook this statement found in the
Ha'aretz version of the story:
"A one-sided truce will not be accepted and cannot
continue," said a statement issued by 13 Palestinian factions.
"We hold the Zionist enemy completely responsible for the deterioration
of the truce. "
A one-sided truce, they call it. Uh-huh. Except the truce is all on the
Israeli side. They have stopped home demolitions, easedtravel restrictions,
ceased many arrests of wanted terrorists (except for the "ticking
bombs," those known to be planning an imminent attack), and allowed
more palestinians into Israel. Their reward?
A Qassam rocket landed in an open field in a settlement
in the northern Gaza Strip early Monday morning, Israel Radio reported.
No injuries or damage resulted from the incident.
Palestinian militants early Monday fired at Israel
Defense Forces soldiers near the southern Gaza settlement of Neveh Dekalim,
according to Israel Radio.
IDF soldiers manning Rafah near the Gaza-Egypt border
also came under gunfire, however no injuries or damage was reported
from neither incident, according to Israel Radio.
The IDF imposed a closure on the West Bank and Gaza
Strip on Sunday for the 24-hour duration of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.
The IDF based its decision on assessments by intelligence
officials, Israel Radio reported. Israel often imposes a closure on
the territories over holidays, out of fear that Palestinians will attempt
to carry out terror attacks during that time period.
Before dawn Sunday, IDF troops captured an unarmed
Palestinian in central Gaza who attempted to infiltrate the security
fence near Kibbutz Be'eri, according to the radio. The Palestinian was
transferred to security forces for questioning.
Also overnight, Palestinians opened fire on IDF bases
near the south Gaza settlement of Netzarim and the West Bank city of
Tul Karm, and a mortar shell hit north Gaza. There were no injuries
in any of the incidents.
The terror groups are using this threat to get Abbas to cave to their
demands. And he will. He has no real power. The terrorists refuse
to disarm, as called for by the Roadmap.
There was never any intent to make peace with Israel. There has been
no significant change since Arafat's death. Mahmoud Abbas was his hand-picked
lieutenant, a man who uses the same pat phrases about "not helpful
to the palestinian cause" that Arafat did every time terrorists murder
more Israelis. And the world continues to blame Israel, and to push the
fault of the problem entirely on her shoulders.
I see no way out of this. I'm sure Ariel Sharon thinks he does, but I'm
damned if I can figure out what he's trying to do. After Gaza, the terrorists
will start launching rockets and more terror attacks from the West Bank.
They're already building up the infrastructure. I'm afraid September is
going to be a very bad month for Israel.
Today's moment of kitty zen
Tig of the Jungle:

The plants surrounding his nest are growing so big, that I can't see
him from the kitchen anymore. I'm sure this was part of his plan.
The book meme
Sari Stein tagged
me, and has been waiting anxiously for me to answer the tag. The thing
is, I've been reading since I was three years old, and writing since I
was eleven. Asking me to name the five books that mean the most to me
is asking me to go over the thousands and thousands of books I have read
and pick out five that have had a major effect on my life. While there
are definitely books that have had an effect on my life, I have to think
it over and figure out which ones mean the most to me. (And may I say
that I am quite pleased to report that I have never read The Fountainhead,
and when I finally read Atlas Shrugged, at the urging of a fellow
editor on the Montclarion, my reaction was, "Five hundred pages too
long." Let's face it, what's John Galt's speech, eightysomething
pages? I mean, come on. Talk about boring your reader.)
To get on with the meme:
Number of books I own:
Between one and two thousand, I think. And this is
after dumping several hundred before moving to Richmond. Too many of
them are still in boxes. I need bookshelves. (This doesn't count my
5,000 comic books, does it?)
Last book I bought:
I can't remember. They tend to blur quickly into books
I own, not books I just bought. I know the last book bought for me was
Sleeping With Cats (which is still in my to-read pile), and the
next book I intend to buy comes out on Tuesday (Patricia McKillip's
newest, Od Magic).
Last book I read:
Todd McCaffrey's Dragonsblood. It started out
well, but ultimately dissapointed me. It looks like he inherited his
mother's lack of writing ability, or lack of will to use it. You know,
in one book, he summarized everything his mother did with the Pern novels,
replete with time-travel to the past solving the problems of the present.
Let's face it, the stories of Pern have all been told. Anything else
that comes out will be repetitive. Or filled with stupid pseudo-science.
(Like anyone really cares what the DNA of imaginary beasts are. I mean,
come on. They. Don't. Exist. Don't bore me with imaginary beasts'
imaginary DNA.) I'm a Pern addict. So sue me.
This isn't part of the meme, but I am currently reading:
Patricia McKillip's The Tower at Stony Wood, a book which confused
me the first two times I read it, and is not getting any clearer on
the third reading. It was her first book after a downward trend, and
has hints of the heights she has since reached (the pinnacle is Alphabet
of Thorn, which is her Best! Book! Ever!), and which I hope she
keeps to. I'll know when her latest book, Od Magic, comes out
on Tuesday. Or Wednesday. I have a B&N gift card that I've been
saving for this very book.
Five books that mean a lot to me:
Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. This
book was given to me at the age of nine or so, and introduced me to
the world of Twain. I followed it up with Huckleberry Finn, A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court, The Prince and the Pauper, and ultimately
everything Twain ever wrote. I have several volumes of Twain collections,
including his essays, letters, short stories, and novels. A few years
back, after they found chapters that had been cut out of Huckleberry
Finn, I read them in galleys, because a friend of mine was a copy
editor for The New Yorker (who published the "new" chapters)
and knew of my fondness for Twain. I still may have the galleys around
somewhere. Mark Twain was a very big influence on the way I perceive
the world, and on the way I write, both humor and straight essays. Twain
also led me to other humorists, like James Thurber, who also probably
had an influence on me, but much less so.
Iseema bin Laden's diary
is directly influenced by Twain. If you look closely, you'll find a
a line stolen directly from Twain's "The Diary of Adam and Eve."
Twain's humor writing was and is a very big influence on me. I particularly
like his style of exaggeration ("How I Edited an Agricultural Paper"
and "The McWilliamses and the Burglar Alarm"), and have probably
been unconsciously using that style in some of my own writing.
The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R.
Tolkien. My seventh-grade teacher told us one day that we should read
this book. That this was one of the best books ever written. That we
would love the book. I was always looking for new things to read back
then (I ordered ten and twelve books a month from the Scholastic Book
Club), so I went out shortly afterward and purchased what I thought
was the entire trilogy: The Hobbit, and two more books. They sat for
months on my shelf, as their size was rather daunting to a twelve-year-old,
until I was home sick with a bad cold for a week, and bored stiff. I
read The Hobbit, then The Fellowship of the Ring, then The Two Towers,
and when I closed that book I was horrified: Not only was it a cliffhanger
ending, but I hadn't bought the last book! I begged and begged
my mother when she came home from work that night to take me to Menlo
Park Mall to buy the last book. She did. I got it, and the love affair
with Tolkien was burned into me. I hesitate to count the number of times
I've read the trilogy. I stopped buying the collections after Silmarillion
2, or whatever it was called. But Tolkien crystallized my fondness for
fantasy and sword and sorcery. Most of my early writing was in that
Raising Demons, by Shirley Jackson.
Everyone knows the short story "The Lottery," and a lot of
people have seen or read The Haunting of Hill House. Shirley
Jackson was a famous horror writer. I've never read her horror novels.
She wrote two semiautobiographical books about her home life. The first,
Life Among the Savages, I didn't discover until many years after reading
Raising Demons, which was a Scholastic Book Club choice. Jackson's
humor writing is so good that to this day, I use some of her techniques.
She taught me how to create the laugh-out-loud sequences. I have read
her books dozens of times, and I will still laugh at some of
the scenes (I dare anyone to read the account of the chipmunks, the
bat, and her husband with an air gun and not laugh). Just thinking about
them makes me smile. Now that is a great humorist.
Susanna Cornett
can attest to my Jackson-mania. I beat her to a Jackson collection at
a used bookstore in Montclair, and refused to give it up, regardless
of the bribes offered.
Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. This
was an assigned reading in a high school class, and it led me to the
works of Vonnegut. Add Vonnegut to the already-skewed view of the world
I got from Twain, and you've got the makings of a lifelong skeptic.
Oh, that would be me. I went through a period shortly after Breakfast
of Champions (the book that got me thrown out of the library during
the last weeks of my senior year, and I was such a bookworm that the
librarians all signed my yearbook, and in my defense, it's not my fault
that I found Vonnegut's picture of an asshole hilarious. I was only
seventeen.). I stopped reading Vonnegut for a few years, thinking (mistakenly)
that he was starting to write the same book over and over. Then I got
Timequake on audio tape for a ride up to Massachusetts some years
ago, and renewed my passion for his writing all over again. I nearly
drove off the road laughing in some parts; I do not recommend
you listen to Timequake while driving.
Passover Haggadah, New Revised Edition,
by Rabbi Nathan Goldberg. Passover has always been my favorite holiday,
and this book is the one we used since before I was born. It has excerpts
from the Talmud, it has the prayers that I like, it has that translation
of the psalm that reads "The mountains skipped like rams/The hills
like lambs" that I have learned to loathe so much (and that Zayda
never let me slide by; if it was my turn to read that verse, I had to
read it, and the whole family would laugh if it got assigned to me,
knowing how much I hated it). Now that I lead the Seder at Mom's, I
get to assign that verse to anyone but me.
I think that the Haggadah has my view of Judaism in
a nutshell. It warns of the enemies in every generation, it speaks of
our faith in and covenant with G-d, it shows the importance of passing
on our traditions to our children, and it does not forget the less fortunate
("All who are hungry—let them come and eat. All who are needy—let
them come and celebrate the Passover with us").
I rejected much of my religion during my teens and
early twenties, only to come back to it on my own as I got older. When
I moved out of my father's apartment, I decided to keep kosher (he didn't)
just to see if I could do it (I was raised in a kosher home), thinking
that I'd eventually marry a Jewish man and have children. It became
habit, and ultimately, my way of life. I can't see myself not keeping
kosher any more. Didn't get the husband and kids, but I haven't given
up on that yet, either. Well, the husband part, anyway. The biological
clock is ticking away.
If you've read this weblog for any length of time,
you know that I am a strident opponent of anti-Semitism in all its forms,
extremely pro-Israel, a proud Zionist (in the correct definition, one
who believes in the establishment and continuation of the Jewish state),
a Hebrew School teacher, and a believer in G-d. I also raise money for
various charities. Yep. That Haggadah is me in a nutshell, sort of.
And it has winestains, and I'm pretty sure there's
a bit of haroseth in it.
I'm taggingLair Simon,
Glenn, Sarah,
Susanna Cornett (it's her own
fault for making me think of her and Shirley Jackson), Wind
Rider, and Matt.
(Because it's a different book meme, and because I owe you some
And yes, many of the books are now on the sidebar, and yes, I get a cut
if you order them via my website. But that's not why I wrote this post.
Sari tagged me. She asked. I answered.
Hey, Instapundit readers: Scroll up. Scroll
down. Scroll all around.
There are lots of neat things to read here. Humor,
more humor, The Hulk 1,
dog stories,
the post in which I am given the title Master
of Juvenile Scorn(™), the post
which earned me the title, the Darth
Vader interview, the Saddam
Hussein interrogation, this blog is a
No Israel-bashing zone, The
Wandering Jew, The
Wandering Jew: Addendum on America, and Meirav
was Two. That's about me in a nutshell. Except for the cat
pictures, which you can see by simply scrolling up.
Sunday morning news briefs
Because somebody has to.
Reaping what you sow dept.: Four
bombs went off in Iran today.
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Four bombs exploded in the capital
of an oil-rich province on the Iranian border with Iraq on Sunday, killing
at least eight people and wounding at least 36 in the deadliest explosions
in the nation in more than a decade, state-run television reported.
At least four women were among those killed in the
explosions in Ahvaz, capital of the southwestern Khuzestan province.
At least two of the explosions were caused by car bombs, witnesses said.
Gholamreza Shariati, deputy provincial governor for
security affairs, said the bombers were seeking to undermine public
participation in Friday's presidential elections.
Sucks to have your own weapon used against you, doesn't it?
Palestinians execute—palestinians:
Good to know that they listen to Europe when Europeans tell them that
they really, really, really wish the pals would stop capital punishment.
Let's wait for the universal condemnations of this action. [crickets]
No, I really didn't think we'd hear anything. Think Human Rights Watch
will write them a letter? Update: Lair Simon caught
something I didn't. These were four "collaborators." The
pals just renamed them murderers so they could kill them without having
to deal with all that icky protest from anti-capital punishment folks.
Like the EU and HRW.
Say, see if you can pick out the editorializing in this so-called news
Palestinian security forces have been greatly weakened
during more than four years of fighting with Israel, leading to lawlessness
in Palestinian towns and cities. Armed men and militants roam the streets
with impunity, at times opening fire on rival factions and security
Abbas, who was elected in January following the death
of longtime leader Yasser Arafat, has made the restoration of law and
order a top priority. But his security forces still don't have the strength
or authority to take on armed groups.
And the author, as always, is not named John Smith.
What truce? Cont'd:
Palestinians fired
at IDF positions located near the West Bank city of Tulkarm and
the Gaza Strip settlement of Netzarim overnight, Israel Radio reported.
No injuries or damage were reported.
The Jerusalem Post should know better than this:
In the Post
is this AP article, which states
Foreign ministers of six Gulf Arab states on Saturday
called for international efforts to combat terrorism, condemned attacks
on Iraqis and commended Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas for working
toward achieving security and resuming peace talks with Israel.
In a statement issued after a meeting of the six-member
Gulf Cooperation Council, the ministers backed a February call made
by Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah for the creation of a worldwide
center to share intelligence on terrorism, saying such a center "will
effectively support international efforts to battle terrorism."
The ministers denounced "all the terror operations
that target Iraqi civilians and military personnel as well as humanitarian
and religious institutions and the kidnappings of innocent people."
You are left with the impression that the terror center will include
all forms of terrorism. You would be mistaken, as the rest of the article
clearly states in other publications, including China's Xinhuanet:
The ministers also called for a clear definition of
terrorism so that terrorism could be differentiated from rightful struggles
against foreign occupation.
This paragraph is nowhere to be found in the Post, yet it contains the
Exception Clause (meaning condemn all terrorism everywhere except
for that against the Jews). Someone isn't doing his job.
Ending on a sweet note: Gee, I'd have paid
money to see this.
WASHINGTON (AP) - A musician long before she became
an academic and then a world-famous diplomat, Secretary of State Condoleezza
Rice took to the Kennedy Center concert stage Saturday to accompany
a young soprano battling an often-fatal disease.
Rice's rare and unpublicized appearance at the piano
marked a striking departure from her routine as America's No. 1 diplomat.
A pianist from the age of 3 she played a half-dozen selections to accompany
Charity Sunshine, a 21-year-old singer who was diagnosed with pulmonary
hypertension a little more than a year ago.
The soprano is a granddaughter of Rep. Tom Lantos,
D-Calif., and his wife Annette, who Rice has known for years. The Pulmonary
Hypertension Association, formed in 1990, presented the concert to draw
attention to the disease from which more than 100,000 people are known
to suffer.
[...] Rice, whose first name is a variation on the
Italian musical term "con dolcezza," which is a direction
to play with sweetness, learned to read music at the age of 3.
Oh, that's where her name is from. You'd think I'd have read that
before now, but nope, I haven't.
Last week's blogs are archived.
Looking for the Buffy
Blogburst Index? Here's Israel
vs. the world. Here's the Blogathon.
The Superhero
Dating Ratings are here. If you're looking for something funny, try
the Hulk's
solution to the Middle East conflict, or Yasser
Arafat Secret Phone Transcripts. Iseema bin
Laden's diary is also a good bet if you've never been here before.