The morning news

Not much time this morning. Just a few links, and feel free to post in the comments links to other news stories or trackbacks to other blogs that have more news. You’ll have to have your first comment approved before you can comment at will, so don’t get frustrated if they don’t show up right away. Work beckons.

The palestinians are not only claiming victory, they are actively working with Israel’s enemies to destroy her:

Tehran, Sept 6 – Palestine’s ambassador to Tehran Salah Zawawi said here Monday, “Beyond doubt, Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza Strip was a big step, and a great victory for the Palestinian nation.

Speaking at a conference sponsored by the Iranian Society for Defense of Palestinian Nation, titled, “Zionists’ Defeat in Gaza, Reasons, and Future Developments”, Zawawi added, “The Palestinian nation is happy today having achieved this great victory, that is the fruit of thousands of martyrs’ pure blood throughout the holy occupied land of Palestine.”

Zawawi reiterated, “This is just the beginning of the way for the Palestinian nation and we will not rest at peace until full liberation of occupied Palestine.”

I certainly hope he’s on the IDF’s top ten list.

By the way, those Gazan palestinians? The ones who are getting their own state? Still firing rockets at Israel.

And, oh yeah—They’re still working on ways to make newer and better explosives to destroy Israelis. There was a major “work accident” yesteday.

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2 Responses to The morning news

  1. Rahel says:

    *sigh* Why am I not surprised?

  2. LynnB says:

    The newest euphemism appears to be “technical error.”

    On its part, the Ministry of Interior and National Security offered its condolences to the families of the victims, explaining that the explosion resulted from several roadside bombs that were stored at one of the houses.

    The Ministry, an in a press statement, identified the killed civilians as Khaled Saad, Samia Farahat, Mansour Al Batneiji and Mazen Elayyan.

    The statement added that when medical crews stated moving the wounded and bodies of the dead to the hospital in Gaza City, a group of armed and masked men ravaged the reception area of the hospital, and broke doors and windows, followed by random shooting in the air outside the hospital, which led to hindering medics’ duty and the injury of six more civilians.

    The Ministry noted that an investigation by its bomb squad discovered a separate room in one of the houses used by Hamas militants to manufacture makeshift explosives and bombs, and that a technical error occurred inside the room led to the fire and detonated the explosives inside.

    [ . . . ]

    On the other hand, Hamas’ spokesman Musheer Al Masri, held the Israeli government responsible for the explosion, claiming an Israeli combat helicopter bombed the house with a missile.

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