Look out! It’s a trap!

The Israelis are evidently using their wily Jewish conspiracy-driven minds to entrap the pals once again:

PA foreign ministry official Abdullah Abudllah said any synagogue remaining in Gaza after the Israeli withdrawal would be used as a “pretext” to retain a foothold and intervene in our affairs.

“This is a very sensitive issue. We are Muslims and our religion and traditions don’t allow us to desecrate or destroy places of worship.

“But we feel the Israelis are trying to entrap us by leaving these places intact and then tell the world ‘look, the Palestinians are destroying Jewish holy places, the Palestinians show no respect for Jewish holy places,” he told aljazeera.net.

One wonders how they manage to say this crap with straight faces.

And oh, yeah—That quote about their protecting holy places? I call bullshit on it.

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4 Responses to Look out! It’s a trap!

  1. Rahel says:

    The pals blame us so often that I’m beginning to think it’s an inborn reflex. I mean, they do it no matter what happens.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Yes, it is a trap by the Israelis because anyone else would know that the Pals would violate their own religious law and not give them the chance.
    Only the Israelis would be gullible enough to dare accept the Pals word.

  3. loniem says:

    Their religion and traditions don’t allow them to desecrate or destroy places of worship?

    Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! These guys are too much.

    Those they don’t destroy they take over. Maybe that’s what he meant.

    Most likely the Israelis could not stand to destroy their own synagogues, and that is why they left them standing. Those Palis, always projecting onto the Jews what they themselves do. Look at their claim that Jerusalem is a Muslim holy place, because the Prophet dreamed he visited there. Now they are doing their best to destroy the Muslim shrines in Jerusalem for fear there may be archaeological sites within the Temple Mount supporting the claim that Jews lived in Eretz Israel thousands of years ago. And yes, I’m sure they’ll blame the nefarious Jews if the next big hundred-year rainstorm causes a landslide that destroys the Mosques on the Temple Mount. Psychopathic twits.

  4. Elisson says:

    Muslims apparently are not allowed, by their traditions, to desecrate or destroy places of worship.

    Muslim places of worship, that is.

    Christian or Jewish places of worship? You’re on your own, buddy-boy. Just ask Yosef Avinu.

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