An exercise in horror

The mastermind of the Netanya Passover Massacre was sentenced to thirty-five life terms. His wife is unfazed. In fact, his wife is insane.

If you would like a first-hand look at the brainwashing that is the PA, read this article in full.

Ihlas sounds very confident, just as confident as she was during her questioning following the suicide bombing in Passover 2002:

When Abbas was arrested, they arrested me as well. One of the police interrogators asked me how many life sentences I want them to give Abbas, and I said ‘as many as you want, everything is from the hand of Allah, and at the end you will vanish. This is our land, and you have no right over it’.

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3 Responses to An exercise in horror

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Note again what Meryl calls the Exception Clause and, with due modesty, I think should be referred to as the Bensky Corollary to Everything.

    This scum has been convicted on ample evidence of mass murder, and the Israelis are putting him in prison. If ever there was justification for executing a criminal this case presents it, but that wasn’t even on the table. The Pali legal structure (I use the term “legal structure” with some hesitation, of course) executes people right and left for much lesser actions, sometimes with an hour or so swipe at due process, sometimes not. I’m not even including the frequent executions done outside the court process.

    Opposition to capital punishment is a basic leftist policy. And, yet again, the reason why the left sides with the people who oppose its beliefs is…ah, yes, “except for Jews.”

  2. Paul M says:

    When people talk about Hamas (or Hezbollah for that matter) being made more moderate by inclusion in the political process, they should be reminded of stuff like this. Moderation will not happen; Allah forbids it. Hamas members are carrying out Allah’s commands and receive his rewards for doing so. Political pragmatism and the spirit of compromise would be acts of sacrilege: They may tailor their tactics to the situation, but Allah himself (herself?) has set their goals.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    You’re right, Paul, but pointing it out won’t do any good. The very people who fall over themselves to proclaim their multicultural sensitivities are, in fact, quite monocultural. They won’t believe…they probably can’t believe…that anyone actually thinks differently. Since they have no religious motivations they can’t believe anyone else really does. The Islamist declarations, no matter how often or how loudly proclaimed, are taken as just colorful rhetoric.

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