Monthly Archives: September 2005

Quartet to Israel: Deal with the terrorists

The world expects Israel to make nice with Hamas Continue reading

Posted in Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism, The Exception Clause | 2 Comments

Things I think about

The sound of sirens roaring down the main street outside my company made me wonder: Why do we call them sirens? Sirens, in Greek legend, drew you towards danger. We’re supposed to avoid the oncoming sirens. Shouldn’t we call them … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 5 Comments

Simon Wiesenthal in the media

Links to statements on Wiesenthal Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Linkfests | 3 Comments

Al-Reuters strikes again

Reuters acknowledges the death of Simon Weisenthal–barely. Continue reading

Posted in Holocaust, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Simon Wiesenthal has died

Holocaust survivor and Nazi hunter who brought so many murderers to justice died last night in his sleep Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | 4 Comments

Fictional paper trays

When the printer tries to print to a tray that doesn’t exist Continue reading

Posted in Computers, Work | 7 Comments

The Hamas “military wing” has spoken

Say, that “military wing” of Hamas that we keep hearing about? Would this be it? Hamas leaders vowed to continue fighting Israel as tens of thousands cheered and waved the group’s green flags and masked gunmen hoisted assault rifles, rockets … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israeli Double Standard Time, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Hamas in the elections

Ariel Sharon says terrorists will not get any help from Israel; waiting on the world to say, “But WHY?!” Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, palestinian politics, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Ha’aretz makes up the news

This article in Ha’aretz, titled “U.S. voices disapproval of PM’s warnings on Hamas,” has absolutely no accreditation to the lead paragraph: The United States announced Saturday that it disapproves of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s statement that Israel will not allow … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 4 Comments

What’s blogging without a little smackdown now and then?

Meryl Yourish comments on a post by Protein Wisdom’s “Jeff” arguing that, since Ilyka Damen called him a sexist and is now misrepresenting what he really said, she is on the same level as Muslims in Britain who are bullying … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Feminism | 4 Comments

Closing the open-door policy in Gaza

Egyptians and palestinians finally get their act together Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 1 Comment

See, this is why I need YOU.

A Jewish blogger I missed utterly and am now plugging Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 1 Comment

Oodles of bloggy goodness

Carnivals of Jews and Cats Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | Comments Off on Oodles of bloggy goodness

Holy megaposting, Batman!

Enough site maintenance for the day Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

A No Israel Bashing-Zone

This weblog is a No Israel-Bashing Zone. Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Blasts from the past, Site news | 1 Comment