Monthly Archives: September 2005

A Jew of Valor

President Bush will give the Medal of Honor long overdue to a Jewish soldier Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust, Religion | 6 Comments

Gaza, Gaza, Gaza!

All of Israel’s fears have come true Continue reading

Posted in Gaza | 2 Comments

The new season

I liked “Bones,” which I watched because David “Angel” Boreanaz was in it. I kept watching because it’s good. Can’t wait for the season premieres of my favorite shows. And yes, I will be posting “Lost” parodies again. I suppose … Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

What’s life without a little mystery?

Watch this space Continue reading

Posted in Mr. Meryl Yourish | 7 Comments

The “insurgency”

Someone needs to explain to me how what happened in Iraq today can in any way be labeled the actions of “insurgents” who are fighting to rid the country of the “occupiers.” BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) – More than a dozen … Continue reading

Posted in Religion, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Crimes against Jews

Saddam Hussein got free rein for decades. Robert Mugabe starves his citizens, North Korea is a prison camp, and the world covers its eyes to those crimes. The massacres in Darfur go on, even as the UN tsk-tsks and says … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Israeli Double Standard Time, The Exception Clause | 1 Comment

The next step in the war has begun

Of course, the war has never quite ended. But the signs that the pals think the way to Gaza is the way to the West Bank are there for all but the blind to see. Then again, that blind includes … Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Terrorism | 3 Comments

New year, same old student

Okay, I no longer have the student whom I shall call Bad Boy Number One (he’s not really bad, just rather difficult to discipline). I sat in the row in front of him during t’filah (prayers) today, moving back and … Continue reading

Posted in Teaching | 1 Comment


I would like to thank the folks over at Silent Running for reminding me to back up this blog on a regular basis. Did it as soon as I saw what happened there. Sorry for your loss, guys. Hope you … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment

Take it, it’s yours

Ariel Sharon will tell the UN that Gaza is on its own Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Israel, Media Bias | 2 Comments

Everyone but Israel

The Exception Clause is still in effect Continue reading

Posted in The Exception Clause | 1 Comment

Failing the test

The palestinians are robbing themselves of a future. Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, Media Bias | Comments Off on Failing the test

Throw the book at ’em, Judge

Two foster [kaff] parents deny that they abused or neglected their 11 charges. After all, all they did was lock them cages every night. You know. Crated like dogs. Because children are so much like dogs, right? WAKEMAN, Ohio (AP) … Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 3 Comments

The catless blog

It is incumbent upon me, I think, that an explanation is forthcoming forthwith and with malice aforethought, what with everyone bitching about there being no cat pictures on my blog lately. Hello, people, BUSY! BUSY! BUSY! I finally actually have … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Evil Meryl, Life, Site news | 3 Comments

Cats and Jews, our favorites!

The Carnival of the Jews, Haveil Havalim, is up. So is the Carnival of the Cats. They were both up yesterday, but I have been busy, busy, busy. I was in a room full of Jews last night, and while … Continue reading

Posted in Cats, Linkfests | Comments Off on Cats and Jews, our favorites!