Monthly Archives: September 2005

Bad for the PA, good for Israel

Abu Mazen won’t be going to the UN this month. He’s staying home trying not to get murdered. Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, Terrorism | 1 Comment

Here a cricket, there a cricket

I seem to have an infestation of crickets Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 4 Comments

Slightly easier on the eyes

Folks, I darkened the blockquote text. I’d like to point out again that these pages are in flux at the moment, and all styles are temporary. Let me know which ones are bothering you the most, and I can make … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 4 Comments


Looks like I can squeeze a few minutes out of the day to post during my lunch hour. Of course you realize this means I expect all of you to do your part as well. Comment. Link. Things like that. … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 6 Comments

Oh, now you’ll disarm the terrorists

Abu Mazen doesn’t care about dead Jews. But when it comes to dead Fatah members, that’s a different story. Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Look out! It’s a trap!

The palestinians say that Israel is trying to trap them by leaving synagogues in Gaza Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Religion, Terrorism | 4 Comments

The civil war has begun

So long, Arafatnik! Yasser Arafat’s nephew is murdered by rivals Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, Terrorism | Comments Off on The civil war has begun

Around the ‘sphere

I’ve been looking for Anne Rice since Katrina hit. And Van der Leun found her for me! Of course, if Anne Rice was hiding in the pages of the Times, she’d be rather obvious except, well, I don’t read the … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 3 Comments

For women only

No boys allowed Continue reading

Posted in Girl Talk | 11 Comments

One of the Tribe

Have you read Bill Whittle’s latest, much-linked piece yet? I haven’t. I sort of stopped right here: Now please pay attention to this, because I’m not going to state it again, and if you don’t hear it now much mischief … Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Politics | 10 Comments

Rejewvenized has moved Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 11 Comments

The continuing anti-Israel attacks

The Associated Press blames Israel first, last, and always Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Terrorism | 9 Comments

The morning news

Not much time this morning. Just a few links, and feel free to post in the comments links to other news stories or trackbacks to other blogs that have more news. You’ll have to have your first comment approved before … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments


Carnival of the Cats is at The Conservative Cat.

Posted in Linkfests | 1 Comment

Carnival of the Jews

This week’s Haveil Havalim is up at Israel Perspectives. And while you’re at it, over at Bloghead, this is a pretty funny post about a strange search. Via Lynn.

Posted in Linkfests | 2 Comments