Monthly Archives: September 2005

More freedom of religion, palestinian-style

Christian homes are burned down by palestinian Muslims avenging a woman’s “honor.” Continue reading

Posted in Religion | 7 Comments

Comments Policy

The official commenting policy of Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 6 Comments

What Media Bias?

Different media organizations have different boilerplate copy for different topics. I found some interesting boilerplate copy regarding the previous post on Iran’s leader calling for the destruction of Israel. From AFP: Iran is frequently accused of funding and supplying Palestinian … Continue reading

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The Iranian undeclared war

Iran is once more waging war on Israel, and not exactly by proxy. An Iranian paper here Monday commented on the withdrawal of the Jewish settlers from Gaza Strip urging Palestinians “to speed up the struggle against the usurper entity … Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, The Exception Clause | Comments Off on The Iranian undeclared war

Not much more tonight

I’m tired and hungry and I think I’m going to eat a late dinner. Geez, this keeps up, I’m going to be like a certain friend who will remain nameless (*kaff*Lynn*kaff) and eat dinner this late all the time. Oh, … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 2 Comments

Freedom of religion, palestinian-style

The palestinians will not protect Jewish religious sites Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 1 Comment

Ohmigod, what happened?

If you’ve wandered over here by mistake, you’re catching me in the midst of retooling If you’ve wandered over here on purpose, damn, you’ve got a good ear for new things. By the way feel free to comment. You … Continue reading

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