A sweet new year

I really don’t want to write about all the lousy things I see in the news, and it’s been a long day, anyway, with really long services, lunch at the R’s (Dena is such a good cook, too), and a quiet evening with Mom.

So I give you this, instead: A very rare picture of Tig licking Gracie’s ears, which she absolutely loves, and expects as her due as a Cat.

Tig washing Gracie's ears

I don’t know the cat sociology behind this, but I do know that Gracie never returns the favor. And I know that if Tig is near Gracie while she’s lying down, if I say, “Tig, go lick Gracie’s ears,” nine times out of ten, he will.

And then he bites her scruff. Like I said, I don’t know the cat psychology beind all of this. I only know what they do.

And that they look really cute doing it.

Gracie’s new year is starting out quite nicely. Well, and they both got holiday tuna yesterday.

The Carnival of the Cats is at Music and Cats this week.

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3 Responses to A sweet new year

  1. Everybody got treats here.

    And I have a candle ready for Edloe.

  2. Mog says:

    They look adorable together.

    My kitties got treats too, always a good idea.

  3. Rahel says:


    I went to the park after services and gave the Lady in Red a mighty skritching. Then I went home and did the same for Her Ladyship, who was rather miffed with me because I had just petted another cat. But she let me skritch her anyway.

    The new kitten in Her Ladyship’s household isn’t quite ready to be petted yet, but she’ll get there.

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