Incorporating the terrorists

So let’s see: The PA wants to co-opt terrorists instead of forcing them to disarm. How do they intend to achieve this? By hiring them into the security forces. Because it’s not like, say, palestinian police haven’t been implicated in numerous terrorist attacks on Israel.

The Palestinian Authority announced on Sunday a security plan aimed at disbanding the armed wing of Fatah and recruiting hundreds of its members to the security forces.

Endorsed by the PA’s National Security Council during a meeting in Ramallah, the plan calls for establishing training camps for the militiamen – most of who belong to the ruling Fatah party – as a first step towards incorporating them into the security forces. The meeting was attended by commanders of all the PA security forces.

The plan was originally approved several months ago, but was not fully implemented because of numerous demands set by the gunmen, including higher salaries and senior positions in the security forces. It was also unclear Sunday night whether all Fatah militiamen had accepted the plan.

What a farce.

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One Response to Incorporating the terrorists

  1. Cynic says:

    security plan aimed at disbanding the armed wing of Fatah and recruiting hundreds of its members to the security forces.

    That way they will get free training in sniping, explosives and skullduggery by the Armed Wing of the State Department, the CIA.
    A tradition employed since Oslo 1995.

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