This has been an interesting week

My temporary assignment has been extended through the end of November, which is actually a good thing, except for the not getting the full-time job with benefits part. But I need the work and the money, and I can use the time to keep learning Vignette Portal, add to my resume and experience, while looking for a new job. I have a few prospects thanks to Scott and my readers, and hope to get more next week.

I’ve been bookmarking news stories right and left so I can catch up on my blogging. The media bias bookmarks alone have nearly chocked Firefox. Okay, I’m exaggerating. A little.

I’ll get them up over the weekend, in between checking online for jobs.

Keep those cards and letters coming, kids.

And now, I’m going to bed. I have a hours of sleep debt to catch up on. I don’t sleep very well when I’m stressed and unhappy, and that’s how I was feeling until this afternoon.


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