
The IDF got the bastard who dispatched the Hadera suicide bomber.

Three Palestinians were killed Sunday in a shootout with Israel Defense Forces troops in the West Bank town of Qabatiyah. The army had entered the town south of Jenin to hunt down members of the Islamic Jihad cell responsible for the Hadera suicide bombing last week and Palestinian sources said that one of the men killed was Jihad Awidat, the Jihad operative who dispatched Hassan Abu Zaid to Hadera.

Got a few more while they were at it.


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5 Responses to Justice

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    Hi Meryl – I hope your job search is going well – you are back to posting about Jihad.

    Look at this biased AP story on Yahoo right now:

    “West Bank Killings Cloud Deal on Violence”

    So when the IDF deals justice to baby-killing jihadi terrorists, it’s “killings”?

    And this gem from the same article:

    “Militants in Gaza have retaliated for such Israeli raids in the West Bank by firing homemade rockets at Israel, triggering Israeli retaliation.”

    Yes, the Pal Arab terror attacks are the result of Israeli provocation.

    This is seriously effed-up reporting.

  2. Lil Mamzer says:

    Hmmm. I didn’t mean for most of my comment to mimic URL format.


  3. Easy to fix. Done.

  4. Alex Bensky says:

    This is really too bad, because all the Israelis are doing is continuing the cylce of violence. If they’d refrain from retaliating then the Palis would…well, OK, they’d still be bombing and shooting, but it wouldn’t make the emotional situation of leftist Jews so dicey.

  5. Sabba Hillel says:

    Of course the emotional state4 of leftist nonJews would not change if the Israelis refrained from retaliating. They would just find another excuse to blame Israel. After all those pesky Jews just will not refrain from existing.

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