Reading the fine print

In this Ynet story about the killing of one of the terrorist masterminds of the Hadera bombing, we get this about the supposed cease-fire agreement:

Earlier, the Palestinian Authority announced that it reached an agreement with the various factions and terror organizations whereby they would refrain from launching Qassam rocket or terror attacks from Gaza against Israel.

That leaves a whole lot of other places from which to launch attacks.

I’m sure they’ll try. Just as they’ll probably succeed. They’re being helped by Abbas’ own people.

Meanwhile, the “Red Dawn” alert system was activated twice in the southern town of Sderot around midnight, after Qassam rockets were launched at the community, apparently in response to the operation in Kabatiya. One rocket landed in Sderot while another one landed nearby. No injuries or damages were reported in the attack.

The Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades claimed responsibility for the strike. Earlier, two rockets were fired by the Islamic Jihad but landed in Palestinian areas. The Qassam strikes came despite a deal struck between Palestinian officials and terror groups earlier in the day on ending all Gaza-based attacks on Israeli targets.

I wonder if Abbas, like Arafat, is giving the orders for attacks behind the scenes, while pretending shock, shock I tell you, that rockets are falling in Israel. Or is he truly that powerless?

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One Response to Reading the fine print

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    I wonder if Abbas, like Arafat, is giving the orders for attacks behind the scenes, while pretending shock, shock I tell you, that rockets are falling in Israel. Or is he truly that powerless?

    He is doing the old Wink-and-Nod all the time. Just like Arafat used to.
    I bet the house he’s neck deep in terror. How many ‘political parties’ have their own home-grown suicide-bomber brigades, let alone armed gangs? (talkin’ ’bout Al Aksa Martyr’s Brigade – always cited in the MSM as ‘affiliated with Abbas’ Fatah Party).

    Can you quote me where Abbas ever condemned the taking of innocent Jewish life on moral grounds? I can’t. He ‘condemns’ Pal Arab terror as counter-productive to Palestinian nationalism. Shyeah.

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