Monthly Archives: October 2005

Hurricane Wilma strikes Richmond

My life is like a hurricane these days Continue reading

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Help Meryl find a job

Help me find a job. Continue reading

Posted in Life, Work | 27 Comments

Life intrudes, again

Posting will be a bit light today, except for the post above (after, or to the left or right, databases confuse me so) this one.

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More dehumanization of dead Jews

Five dead Jews, one dead terrorist–and the terrorist’s mother gets pictured Continue reading

Posted in Media Bias, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Wiping Israel off the map

palestinian maps of Israel show only “palestine” Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

My favorite Tig

One of my favorite cat pictures Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Today’s moment of kitty zen

Cattales. Old cat pictures, but still good. When I get home from work, I will explain why I need to look at kitty zen pictures. Things could be better.

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Bloodthirsty killer legislators

Hamas murderers will be running the municipalities in Gaza and the West Bank Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism, The Exception Clause | 6 Comments

It’s not anti-Semitism. Oh wait–it is.

palestinians chant: “God hates the Jews” Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism | 1 Comment

Random Thought

It’s called “Intelligent Design,” thus assuming that the design had some modicum of intelligence. I give you Exhibit A: The duck-billed platypus

Posted in Meanderings | 4 Comments

Life intrudes

Late for work! No posts! Continue reading

Posted in Life | 2 Comments

Funniest. Post. By. Murray. Ever.

Murray tells me why I shouldn’t marry Bruce Continue reading

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Tig and the Blanket Monster

Tig is attacked by the Blanket Monster–and survives! Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 1 Comment

The Carnival of the Cats

CoTC is at Mind of Mog Continue reading

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Hurricane Wilma: Information, please

I find myself unable to contact my mother in Tamarac. If anyone has any idea how badly that town was hit, please let me know. Can’t get through on cell phones, and I’m at work and can’t really spend a … Continue reading

Posted in Life | 6 Comments