Monthly Archives: October 2005


Let’s see if W. sticks to his insistence that he won’t deal with terrorists Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism | Comments Off on Proof

Incorporating the terrorists

The PA is bringing more terrorists onto the police force Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 1 Comment

One more dead terrorist

Israel kills a terrorist they never should have released from prison Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Technorati says: You’re so five minutes ago

Technorati’s new ranking system eliminates hundreds of links to established bloggers. Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers | 2 Comments

One of the Righteous

Sister Rose Thering, a Catholic who fought anti-Semitism all her life Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Religion | 3 Comments

Finding Meryl a husband: Bruce Hill

The second in a series of finding Meryl a blogger husband Continue reading

Posted in Mr. Meryl Yourish | 8 Comments

The religion of intolerance

Muslims riot over an Egyptian play they say is offensive Continue reading

Posted in Religion, World | 5 Comments

Reasons to be careful when entering your phone number

Because James Edwards, who is flying on USAir today, whose plane was delayed 27 minutes, causing him to miss his connecting flight, does not have access to my voice mail. Tough luck, Jimmy. Next time, put the right phone number … Continue reading

Posted in Life | Comments Off on Reasons to be careful when entering your phone number

The Duh Factor: Syria killed Hariri

The UN will do nothing about Hariri’s death Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism, World | 6 Comments

Now I believe: W. is an idiot

W. buys the PA line, completely. Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism, The Exception Clause | 10 Comments

It’s official: Bush sells out Israel

The Exception Clause strikes again: Bush will not pressure Abbas on terrorism Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Israeli Double Standard Time, Terrorism, The Exception Clause | 6 Comments

Random thought

Okay, so I get giant ants and spiders attacking humans. That makes sense, they’d eat us because we were prey. But a giant bee? All a giant bee would be looking for is a giant flower, and I’m thinking that … Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings, Movies | 1 Comment

Egypt is feeling the heat

Egypt wants the spotlight off the Middle East–and its own lack of democracy Continue reading

Posted in World | 2 Comments

The secret is mine

I have discovered the secret to scheduling posts. Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 1 Comment


Holy crap! Natalie Portman shaved her head! Natalie! Grow it back! Grow it back! GROW IT BACK! She looks like Sinead O’Connor. Geez.

Posted in Israel, Meanderings | 9 Comments