Monthly Archives: October 2005

Random thought

Katie Holmes is pregnant. I wonder who the father is?

Posted in Meanderings | 5 Comments

Taking control of the Internet

How does the EU expect to get control of U.S. root servers? Continue reading

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Arab anti-Semitism thrives

Hospital equipment made in Israel is returned from Dubai Continue reading

Posted in Jew Cooties | 2 Comments

The Nobel Committee encourages Iran

On the heels of giving the Nobel Peace Prize to the IAEA, Iran threatens to toss them. Continue reading

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The Nobel committee members are schmucks

The IEAE won the Nobel Prize for Peace. I’m going to be sick. Continue reading

Posted in Miscellaneous | 12 Comments

Monday’s email

Resend your email Continue reading

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Better than them

Israel’s Supreme Court bans the use of human shields Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 3 Comments

Iran’s war against the West

Tony Blair says Iran is behind the new bombs in Iraq Continue reading

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Yeah, it was just a few individuals

A Muslim leader complains that Muslims are being condemned unfairly by the West Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 2 Comments

Random thought

If Judy Garland had been Jewish, she’d have been able to take all the crap life dealt her and not overdose on those sleeping pills.

Posted in Meanderings | 7 Comments

Well, that was fun

The third flood since I’ve moved here Continue reading

Posted in Life | 1 Comment

A sweet new year

Cat pictures are always sweet Continue reading

Posted in Cats | 3 Comments

Shana Tova

Rosh Hashana greetings Continue reading

Posted in Holidays | 8 Comments

Condi goes flippity-flop

Condi Rice can’t make up her mind Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 5 Comments

Civil war in Gaza?

Could it be the long-awaited war between Hamas and the PA? Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 3 Comments