Terror in Denmark

Judith Klinghoffer points out that Egypt is going to discontinue dialogue with Denmark because Danish newspapers dared to publish cartoons depicting Mohammed. While scrolling through the Danish press site, I found this:

One of the young men arrested last week on suspicion of plotting a terror attack was stopped two weeks ago, as police discovered him ‘behaving suspiciously’ outside a football stadium in the Copenhagen suburb of Brøndby.

The young man is one of six young radical Muslims arrested in Copenhagen last week, after the discovery of a large suicide bombing arsenal in the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo was traced to their Danish addresses.

Police are now investigating whether there are any links between the alleged terror plans and the Brøndby Stadium, where a football match was held on Thursday evening between the Brøndby club and Israeli team Maccabi Petah-Tivka.

Another article describes the terrorists:

The six young people were burdened by a colossal hatred towards society, leaders of the mosque, The Islamic Congregation, told the newspaper.

‘They were popular, polite, and good students, but they harboured an enormous anger towards Danish society. Their fury grew stronger and made them introverted,’ said Abu Laban, the mosque’s imam, of the six 16-20-year-olds.

The true Fifth Column is all over Europe. How many of them are here as well?

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3 Responses to Terror in Denmark

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    Deep hatred against Danish society? Danish society is about as laid-back, open, and easygoing as you’re going to find anywhere. Anyone who reacts with loathing and hatred to Danish society isn’t going to be able to tolerate any Western society…which is sort of the point here, isn’t it?

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Spot on Alex. The more laid-back, the more they’ll loathe it. They want to force everyone to live by their own narrow, bigoted precepts. All such people should be invited to move to the Wahhabist Entity, or some other charming Islamist paradise, as soon as poossible if they don’t like it in Denmark, France, The Netherlands, et bloody cetera. That will give them what they say they want, n’est-ce pas?

    Think of the possibilities for career advancement they could have in such countries. For example, they could become religious police in the Wahhabist Entity and beat up schoolgirls trying to escape being burned to death in a fire, secret police thugs in Iran where they can shoot down pro-democracy demonstrators or torture to death Canadian women photographers, or slavers in the Sudan. Of course, there is a whole world of opportunity waiting for them if the want to become splodeydopes. Ah, what fine people our Western, leftist progressives sympathize with.

  3. chsw says:

    I am waiting for Israel to advise France, Denmark and other European countries that it URGES RESTRAINT in dealing with their present situation.


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