The difference between us and them

Israeli archeologists have found the ruins of what may be the oldest church in the Middle East. Their reaction:

Shoka Dorfman of the Israel Antiquities Authority said that consultations with leading archeologists will be launched next week to discuss the future of the findings.

The Israel Prisons Authority told Ynet: “We are waiting for the decisions of the Antiquities Authority to see whether the rare findings will be taken to another location or will remain in place. We will build another two buildings to complete the compound, yet in the wake of the discoveries we will decide how to proceed with constructions at a later date.”

If these ruins had been found in palestinian territory, I’m guessing they’d have been thrown away, as the Waqf has done with any non-Muslim antiquities it has found in the Temple area.

The Protestants are supporting the wrong side in this war.

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3 Responses to The difference between us and them

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    The Arabs are much more practical than you give them credit for, Meryl. They would have used the stones in a latrine project.

  2. Christopher Johnson says:

    Some of the Protestants. A lot of us are humiliated by the stands our present(in my case former) denominations are taking.

    You also might want to check these people out:

    It’s not as much of a moral wasteland as the media makes it out to be.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    Actually, Meryl, they’d do more–after throwing away the material, they’d issue a statement that there was no historical Christian presence in Palestine, a statement that would be reflected in their schoolbooks.

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