IDF kills another terrorist, terrorists are ticked

The IDF took out another terrorist on Sunday, and the palestinians are really pissed. Because they killed him while he was wounded. Their version:

The Palestinians were furious following the incident, and already in the night had claimed that “Balawi was executed after he was injured.”

They charged that a short while after he was injured, Balawi spoke on the phone with his friends, “but when his body was found, it was revealed that a large number of bullets were fired at him from close range.”

Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades members told Ynet that they had spoken with Balawi on the phone after he was wounded.

“Both Balawi and the two other activists that were with him said that he was lightly injured in his leg and hip. There is no doubt that he was executed in cold blood after he was arrested while being wounded,” they said.

The truth:

The soldiers opened fire at them and identified a hit. Later, the soldiers patrolled the town in search of the gunmen, and found a Kalashnikov rifle in one of the houses, surrounded by blood stains.

The soldiers sent a dog into the house’s yard for fear that the wanted terrorist was hiding there. According to the information they had, the wounded terrorist was carrying a rifle.

According to the soldiers, the terrorist began shouting and moving suspiciously. The soldiers opened fire toward him and killed him.

So who was this guy?

The Palestinian was identified as Shoja’a Balawi, a senior Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade member.

And we should care because…?

Let’s take a look at a past terrorist attack, which the palestinians celebrated:

A pregnant mother and her four daughters were shot dead Sunday after two terrorists opened fire at Israeli cars traveling near the Kissufim Crossing at the entrance to the Gush Katif settlement bloc in the Gaza Strip.

[…] Police said the white Citroen station wagon, carrying the family, spun off the road after the initial shooting, then the attackers approached the vehicle and shot the occupants at close range.

Funny how the murderers think that it’s okay to shoot dead two-year-old children, but there’s something wrong with killing a wounded terrorist who you think is going to shoot you.

Sorry, this one just pisses me off too much. Eat shit and bark at the moon, you murdering scumbags.

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2 Responses to IDF kills another terrorist, terrorists are ticked

  1. Next paycheck, I send a pizza.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    I do hope the dog wasn’t hurt. It’s life is valuable.

    Much more so, at any rate, than some piece of terrorist scum.

    It is continually amazing how the Palis, and their UN and Eurotrash enablers, have the chutzpah to complain about Israeli behavior in the war the Arabs started, when everything-everything-the Palis do violates the Geneva Conventions, the laws and customs of war.

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