Another dead terrorist or three

The IDF got another big fish this morning. And a few little ones.

Hamas militants vowed revenge on Monday after Israel Defense Forces troops shot dead the group’s top commander in the northern West Bank.

Amjad Hanawi, 34, was killed in a pre-dawn arrest raid at his home in Nablus.

In Gaza, meanwhile, a gunman was killed and two wounded near the border fence with Israel, where they had apparently intnded an attack with rocket-propelled grenades.

[…]An IDF force of paratroops, police anti-terror teams, and members of the elite Duvdevan and Haruv units carried out the raid, aimed at locating and arresting militants in the area.

More than a dozen explosions and several exchanges of fire were heard as soldiers in 15 jeeps raided an eastern part of Nablus and arrested eight suspected Hamas members and three more in other areas of the West Bank.

Witnesses said Hanawi had been shot while trying to flee the troops, and had sustained a head wound at close range. An AK-47 and a pistol were found on his body.

Hanawi is believed to have mastermided several suicide bombings in Israel in the 1990s.

Neighbors said the soldiers who raided the area first ordered Hanawi’s family out of the house. While most members came out of the house, Hanawi refused the order and tried to escape. He was shot as he tried to climb a fence.

I am all for taking out terrorists this way. Screw putting them in jail, let them all try to run or fight. The IDF is taking care of the problem now, instead of having them in jail–remember Israel has no death penalty except for Nazis–where they can be used as leverage and be released to kill at a later date.

This way is much, much better. You fire at a military group, they fire back. And gee, the terrorists can’t seem to hold their own against well-equipped, well-trained soldiers. What a shocker.

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4 Responses to Another dead terrorist or three

  1. Lil Mamzer says:

    And the cycle of violence spirals on…….

    /sarc off

  2. Ben F says:

    This one didn’t even die fighting; he died running.

    The “catch and release” program is frustrating on one level, but the Israelis can usually get more intelligence out of the terrorists that they capture than they can out of the ones that they kill.

    Either way, the war is going well for Israel.

  3. ThatsMisterNobody says:


    I have been snooping around here for a while and I like some of your posts.

    Bravo! But it really makes me sick to my stomach to think of that poor family.


  4. Alex Bensky says:

    Absolutely right, Li’l Mamzer, this brutal and unsubtle Israeli action only contributes to the cycle of violence which besets both sides equally. If only the Israelis would do something to break it, such as building some sort of passive barrier to prevent suicide murderers from entering Israel.

    Oh, wait…

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