Gaza: The beginning of… something

See if you can spot the error in this paragraph:

In a Jerusalem press conference, Rice said that for the first time since 1967 Palestinians were given control over the Gaza Strip crossings.

C’mon, you can spot it in a split-second if you know your history at all.

The error? The pals never had control over the Gaza Strip crossings. Prior to 1967, Gaza was part of Egypt. The Egyptians controlled it.

So, the pals have control of Rafah, but Israel gets to monitor things on closed-circuit TV, and to–hold on to your hats–object if they see anything suspicious. This would be the same process that is already in use, the one where Israel gives Mahmoud Abbas a list of wanted terrorists, and Abbas says, “What terrorists? I don’t see any terrorists,” and does nothing.

It gets worse.

According to the Palestinians, the deal will include the safe passageway between Gaza and the West Bank and easing restrictions on the Palestinian population, including the removal of no less than 125 checkpoints in the West Bank.

Wonderful. Countdown to suicide attacks starts the moment restrictions are eased.

Funny, but I’m not seeing anything in the agreement about disarming terrorists. Once again, we have an agreement between Israel and the palestinians in which Israel gives concessions and the pals give… nothing.

Abbas blasted once again Israel’s unilateral policy and its aspiration to reach temporary agreements, “which end in a temporary state, constituting cantons with no territorial sequence and controlled by Israel.”

Under the pretension of dismantling terror infrastructures, Abbas charged, Israel is interested in pushing the Palestinians into a civil war, on which it conditions the negotiations.

Israel is also trying to dictate conditions to the Palestinians to form democracy, Abbas added, hinting to Israel’s stand regarding Hamas’ participation in the elections.

Yep. It’s a grand thing, peace. The pals want it just as much as Israel does. That’s what everyone tells us. Everyone who speaks those words in English, at least, and maybe in some European languages. But in Arabic?

They’re still calling for Israel’s destruction.

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4 Responses to Gaza: The beginning of… something

  1. Cynic says:

    So if Rice can display such ignorance what can we expect from others in the Admin?
    By the way Dr. Andrew Bostom has this article:
    “Eurabia” Defined

    European emissaries of the Dialogue also work incessantly attempting to bring the American government into line with Arab anti-Israeli positions. Bat Ye’or has highlighted this shared Euro-Arab political agenda:

    • recognition of the Palestinians as a distinct people; up to 1973 they had been known as Arab refugees; • recognition of the PLO and its leader Arafat as unique representative of the Palestinians; …

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    You’ve made a common mistake, Meryl. The demand of the West isn’t that the Palis stop the terrorism and run in known terrorists, it’s that they promise to do so. Once they’ve done that everyone is satisfied.

    From the Israelis–deeds. From the Palestinians–words. Palestinian promises to do this date back to the Oslo Agreement, they’re frequent, and they’re meaningless. But all they’re required to do is say the words and when the Israelis take matters into their own hands, well, it’s that damn cycle of violence again.

  3. Ben F says:


    Gaza was never a part of Egypt. Egypt controlled it, but did not annex it. (Unlike Jordan and the “West Bank”). Indeed, I’ve read that Begin wanted to foist Gaza upon Egypt in the 1979 peace treaty, but that Egypt refused.

    That said, you are correct that the Palestinian Arabs are not getting “back” control over the border. Prior to 1967, Gaza was basically a colony for refugees, and Egypt kept the border sealed.

  4. Cynic says:

    Ben F,
    In an article in the American Thinker
    “Eurabia” Defined

    by Dr. Andrew Bostom there is this little bit:

    Bat Ye’or has highlighted this shared Euro-Arab political agenda:

    • recognition of the Palestinians as a distinct people; up to 1973 they had been known as Arab refugees;

    Say no more, say no more (Monty Python)

    In the “spot the error” link above they also mention Wolfensohn. Well he was interviewed on Israel’s Channel 10 Tuesday 11/15 and when he was asked how convoys of 100+ vehicles, which he gave as an example of permitting free movement and trade for the Palestinians, would be secured to pass through Israeli territory he replied that he did not know because it was up to the Israelis to devise methods.
    Of course he whined on about how much he had Israel’s interests at heart all his 70 long years since his father had been involved in the region working for the British Govt.
    Typical “Court Jew” forcing others to implement his crappy ideas and suffer the consequences.
    He and Rice insist on damaging the safety provided by the “Fence”.

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