New day, same old garbage

So let’s see. Israel has leverage over Hezbullah. She could withhold the bodies of the terrorists killed in the invasion a few days ago, bargain with them to gain information about Ron Arad, as Lair Simon pointed out. So what does Israel do? Hand over the bodies as soon as the Lebanese grumble about it.

And today, the palestinians officially opened the Rafah crossing. The various terrorist groups will be celebrating shortly, with fireworks inside of Israel, complete with ball bearings and shrapnel to make as big a blast as possible.

Funniest of all is Mahmoud Abbas’ claim that he’s going to cut down on “lawlessness” in the terrortories (sic):

Abbas inaugurated the terminal by cutting a ribbon in front of 1,200 guests, then toured the refurbished facility.

He also announced a major security clampdown in the West Bank and Gaza, saying the Palestinians must end the lawlessness in their territories to spur economic recovery and revive peacemaking.

You can’t revive something that was never alive to begin with. Abbas is Arafat under a different name, and with less influence on his own people.

Hope? What’s that?

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2 Responses to New day, same old garbage

  1. I hope they shoved some sort of GPS unit up the asses of the bodies or something so they can track them back to their terror-nests.

  2. Cynic says:

    Deja vu, same old garbage whatever, Bush and Rice continue wallowing in CIA crap wasting American tax dollars tilting at windmills:

    They said up to 25 percent of the 60,000 officers were either fictitious or no longer worked for the security forces. PLC Economic Committee chairman Azmi Shueibi said $350 million has been channeled every month to pay the salaries of a reported 60,000 PA security personnel.

    First there were all the CIA guys and now the Pentagon bods, the latest Maj. Gen. Keith Dayton,
    Pentagon�s new choice for the post of United States Security Coordinator, Israel-Palestinian Authority,

    The coordinator�s job is twofold: assisting the Bush administration in its efforts to encourage Israel�s government to stay on track with its promised disengagement from the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank, while at the same time supporting new Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in his efforts to keep a lid on internal extremist elements and create a stable Palestinian state.

    Note that the Israelis have be kept on track, those inscrutable joooooos, but the Palis just have keep a lid on things.
    For how long?

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