Jewish elephant jokes

You asked for them, you got ’em: Here are the Jewish and Israeli elephant jokes Rahel‘s been sending me.

What’s gray, wears a tallit and sways while facing east?
A religious elephant.

What’s gray, wears a tallit and stands at the door of the shul, looking down the street?
It’s the gabbai. He’s looking for a tenth elephant to make the minyan.

What’s gray and out of breath?
The tenth elephant.

You don’t have to be Israeli or Jewish to understand these. Rahel graciously provided translations.

What’s gray and shouts “Rega, rega” [Hebrew: just a moment]?
An elephant getting off an Egged bus.

What’s gray and shouts “Titkadem penima, bevakasha”
[Hebrew: everyone move inside, please]?
An elephant driving an Egged bus.

What’s gray and looks stunned?
An elephant riding the bus who just heard the driver say

What’s gray and cuts the Egged bus off in traffic?
An elephant driving an Israeli taxi.

What’s gray and curses a blue streak?
The elephant driving the Egged bus yelling at the elephant
driving the taxi who just cut him off.

What’s gray and sighs as she puts the book she was reading
back into her backpack?
An elephant riding the bus to work. Who can read with all
that racket?

Thank you, Rahel.

Gracie thanks you, too. Here’s a brand new picture of her peeping over the top of The Chair That Swallows You Whole.

Gracie is watching you

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3 Responses to Jewish elephant jokes

  1. How many Jewish elephants does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    One, but he’d better wait until Shabbat is over before turning it on.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    What’s gray and reads the Torah lesson?

    Rebbe Babar.

  3. Rahel says:

    Thanks for posting the jokes, Meryl. I’m glad you liked them.

    Gracie is gorgeous, as always. Thanks for posting her pic.

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