Dealing with terrorists

These are the people whom some say Israel should deal with once they get elected:

The Muslim Brotherhood, which also fielded female candidates in the Egyptian elections, has welcomed Hamas’s decision to include the “mother of martyrs” on its list. During her visit to Cairo, Farhat said that Hamas’s decision to participate in the parliamentary elections does not mean that the Islamic movement has abandoned the “military option.”

Akef, who held a warm reception for her, declared that the “resistance was the only way to end the Israeli presence in Palestine.” He added: “We welcome the Jews in Palestine only as individuals, but we don’t agree to their presence there as a state. The Jews’ ostensible entity is nothing but occupation and it won’t last for long.”

In an interview with the Egyptian weekly al-Ahram last week, the 77-year old Akef, who spent 20 years in prison, said: “I have declared that we will not recognize Israel, which is an alien entity in the region. And we expect the demise of this cancer soon. If they want to live with us as normal citizens sharing our rights and duties then we don’t mind. But to remain an occupying tyrannical country, then this will not happen, God willing.”

Sure. They’re just another political group. Bringing them into the process will get them to lay down their arms and stop murdering Jews. Just wait.

As for me, I’m going to continue to call them murderers who will never make peace with Israel.

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3 Responses to Dealing with terrorists

  1. Mog says:

    Murderer is too nice a word for them, terrorist doesn’t fully describe it either as their stated goal is the destruction of a country, Israel, an act of war. They are the enemy.

    Israel should deal with them as the enemy, defending their country against the invaders and not by handing them more land, specifically Jerusalem and the West Bank. They won’t stop with their terrorism or their demands until Israel is no more.

    I don’t know why our government can’t see that, it’s so obvious.

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