The palestinian blame game

Once again, the pals are blaming their lack of a democratic process on Israel.

JERUSALEM (AP) – The Palestinian Authority will cancel Jan. 25 parliamentary elections if Israel goes ahead with its plan to bar Palestinians from voting in disputed Jerusalem, a senior Palestinian official said Wednesday.

Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has been under pressure from his Fatah Party to postpone the vote, amid concerns about the growing political clout of the Islamic militant group Hamas. But Palestinian officials denied Abbas was using Israel’s threat as a pretext to call off the vote.

Abbas said he hasn’t decided yet whether to delay the vote. In the past, Abbas has insisted the vote will take place as scheduled, but on Wednesday he hinted for the first time it might not. “This is a big responsibility that must be studied carefully,” Abbas said.

Any excuse will do, Abu. We know you don’t want Fatah to lose ground, and so, you blame the Jews for postponing your elections, when the real blame lies within the corrupt, thieving, violent pieces of garbage in Fatah. Which would be, oh yeah, you.

I should start sending these letters to the PA. The response would be so much fun.

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2 Responses to The palestinian blame game

  1. If I’m not mistaken, the Oslo accords that set up the PA prohibit their election campaigning and polling in Jerusalem.

    Erekat should know this, since he was a party in the negotiations at Arafat’s demand (he was also intended to sideline local Ashrawi and keep her from any role of power).

  2. Cynic says:

    Since when have the Palestinians adhered to anything they signed, be it Oslo, be it Bush’s Roadmap?

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