Don’t mess with the Mossad

Those crazy Jews! Look what the Mossad did to Iran after Israel got pissed off because Tehran wouldn’t give them any information about Ron Arad.

In the early nineties an Iranian delegation set off to Europe to negotiate long-term loans with western European countries as a last effort to save the economy from collapsing.

Israel’s intelligence agencies closely followed the Iranian delegation in Europe and succeeded in foiling a nasty strategy of deceit used by Tehran to get the most out of its foreign European lenders: Tehran instructed negotiators to tell each lender that other lenders have offered better rates and longer terms, lower and better than actually presented.

Then Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin decided to exploit the intelligence reports to warn Iran that if Arad is not released Israel will stymie talks with Europe.

To punish Iran for its stubbornness on Arad, IDF Military Intelligence piled up a file detailing Iran’s fraudulent negotiations and dispatched then Foreign Minister Shimon Peres and his deputy Yossi Beilin to Europe where the true face of Tehran was exposed.

Stunned by the wealth and accuracy of the facts presented by Israel, European capitals halted negotiations with Tehran.

I suppose Steven Spielberg would say that this “response to a response” was also useless.

Me? I think it’s great. The Mossad rocks.

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2 Responses to Don’t mess with the Mossad

  1. Joel says:

    A real response would have been to have captured some Islamonazi Persian bigshot and brought him back to Israel.

  2. cond0010 says:

    Mossad would help negotiate 5 billion in frozen assets with the US and settle 5 billion in Iranian debts for merely _information_ of the fate of Ron Arad.

    Then, when Iran wouldn’t even nibble on such a (insert adjective) transaction, Mossad totally disrupts economic negotiations with Europe.

    From my idealistic view of things: Mindboggling. Mossad must have brass bowling balls (Instead of the usual plastic… ;) ). The term ‘Chutzpah’ is far too negative, yet best describes the sweep and audacity of the behaviors and actions exhibited.

    From my practical, yet shadowy side: The Mossad already knew the fate of Ron Arad and Iran dared not even voice a word of it being that it was so heinous (thus heavily damaging them diplomatically). By Mossad making such an offer (which would be almost impossible to refuse), I think it was to send a message that they are already knew of how horrible the fate was without revealing their sources.

    Message Sent? A bunch of things I would guess, but I really have reached a bit so I dare not go further.

    All I can say is no matter anyway you slice it, the Iranian dudes are prolly shaking in their sandals.

    The Mossad must have a Naughty and Nice list that is more accurate than Santa Claus.

    Geee…. I hope I’m on their nice list. :)

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