Rocket attacks and the AP

Oh, look. The AP has recognized that the rocket attack on Israel yesterday was–a rocket attack.

BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) – Lebanon’s prime minister on Wednesday condemned a rocket barrage fired a day earlier into northern Israel, while a U.N. envoy urged the Lebanese government to assert control over the tense border region to prevent future attacks on the Jewish state.

The rockets landed in a residential area of the northern town of Kiryat Shmona, damaging property but causing no casualties.

That’s right, rockets were finally launched from Lebanon, as opposed to simply”landing” in Israel.

Funny, isn’t it, how until the rocket attack was condemned by someone other than Israel, the AP couldn’t call it a rocket attack? But they still can put this at the end of their article on the Fatah split/not-split:

In another development, Israeli jets blasted a base south of Beirut of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, a small Syrian-backed group, hours after rockets hit a northern Israeli border town. No one was hurt, but several houses were damaged.

It was Israel’s deepest strike into Lebanon in 18 months. Rocket attacks from Lebanon have been rare since Israel pulled its forces out of south Lebanon in 2000.

No, there’s no media bias. It’s sheer objectivity. Just like this passage is purely objective:

Since Israel’s withdrawal in September from the Gaza Strip, militants have continued to fire homemade rockets into southern Israel. Although the rockets are notoriously inaccurate, more Israeli towns, including the city of Ashkelon, are in rocket range now that Israel is out of Gaza.

Once again, the potential damage to Israel is downplayed, while the potential damage to palestinians is always emphasized. Here comes the fabled (and fabling) palestinian spokesliars’ quote:

Israel began enforcing a no-go zone in northern Gaza, firing shells and threatening to shoot anyone who approaches the border – an attempt to stop Palestinian rocket fire. Two Palestinians, including a 14-year-old boy, were wounded, Palestinian doctors said.

Once again, the completely objective world of the AP and Israel.

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