Mahmoud Abbas, clueless fibber

Yesterday the Israeli newspapers were full of reports that Mahmoud Abbas was promised by the U.S. that Israel would allow palestinians to vote in East Jerusalem.

Today, we have the denial of any such promise.

The United States refuted Monday night Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ statement that the US had promised him that Palestinians in east Jerusalem would be able to vote in the upcoming PA parliamentary elections.

A spokesman for the State Department said that while Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had met with Abbas, she believed that the question of enfranchisement for Palestinian residents of Jerusalem was one that would have to be solved between Israel and the PA, Army Radio reported.

I think it’s wonderful that Secretary Rice gets to see for herself first-hand what a lying pack of murderers she has to deal with.

Unfortunately, Israel is letting the pals vote. In a few weeks, say hello to the new boss: Hamas.

And you have to love this paragraph in the Ynet article:

Officially, Palestinian officials are satisfied with the decision to comply with their demand, although it has pulled the rug under Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ plan to blame Israel for the postponement of elections.

A sense of humor in a newspaper article: Always a good thing.

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2 Responses to Mahmoud Abbas, clueless fibber

  1. Cynic says:

    Just on Israel’s Channel 10 a discussion of the “election” showed scenes in Jerusalem of Christians with flyers for Hamas.
    One can fool some …..

  2. LynnB says:

    Letting them vote, yes, but not letting Hamas participate.

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