To lighten the mood

This is an absolutely hilarious video, totally inappropriate for work or children. Watch it and howl. I could not stop laughing.

It’s a song about what the Internet is for.

Via my friend Jay.

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10 Responses to To lighten the mood

  1. Janet says:

    Okay, that was priceless.

  2. segacs says:

    I haven’t clicked on it cause I’m at work. Is it the song from Avenue Q?

  3. Oh–that would explain why the voices sounded so familiar. It may be.

  4. scottage says:

    Oh, that’s hysterical! I want to quote the lyrics, but not sure if that’s allowed. But really, that was the highlight of my day Meryl!

  5. jja says:

    I’ve confirmed via Amazon that the song is from Avenue Q, which I haven’t yet seen but which is now likely to go to the top of my list. I was wondering why the quality of the voice work and music was so high for a video acted out in World of Warcraft… %?)

  6. Rahel says:

    Hee hee! Yes, that video is very funny!

    Well, the guys can have their pr0n. For me, the Internet is a source of true beauty … kitty pics!

  7. Rahel says:

    (Oops … I just realized that I shouldn’t have written the “p” word here. Please feel free to delete. My apologies.)

  8. The Doctor says:

    “pron” is the p-word? I knew I was searching for the wrong stuff…

  9. Alan Kellogg says:

    I saw it some time ago. Fellow at the ENWorld forums linked to it. In the off-topic forum to be precise. The juxtaposition of computer game characters and The Internet is for Porn works real well.

    Now that I know you characters like this sort of thing I’ll make sure to keep an eye open for more. :)

  10. Elisson says:

    Definitely from Avenue Q – I have the cast album on my iPod.


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