“Feisty:” Yeah, that must be the right word

Let us take a moment from my regular subjects, and point out something in an AP description of Hanan Ashrawi, who, as regular readers know, is no friend of mine:

HANAN ASHRAWI, 59. She emerged as a prominent figure in Palestinian politics during the first Palestinian uprising, which erupted in 1987. Eloquent and often feisty, she was official spokeswoman for the Palestinian delegation to the Middle East Peace talks 1991-93, and headed a committee responsible for Jerusalem’s citizens rights after the signing of the peace agreement. She was appointed minister of higher education in 1996, and quit her post in a high-profile rebuke to Arafat over corruption in 1998. A legislator in the outgoing parliament, she serves on a number of international bodies, including the Council of Foreign Relations. She is a member of the Palestinians’ Christian minority.

“Feisty.” This is a word used most often to describe a woman. This is a demeaning word, used when the writer can’t seem to use the words “strong,” “tough,” or “independent.” Its nearest relation is “spunky,” a word which, if used to describe me while I am at arms’ reach, often results in physical damage to the person using the word.

Feisty. Good choice, AP. If you’re Ward Cleaver.

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15 Responses to “Feisty:” Yeah, that must be the right word

  1. Did Peter Jennings call her feisty?

  2. Mark says:

    “Feisty First Ladies” has a dateline of 1/30/06.

    Is your website a time machine as well?

  3. You’re a feisty little one but you’ll soon learn some respect.

    (It’s from a movie.)

  4. Feeling spunky today, David?

  5. Mark, it’s from the 1/30 issue of US News & World Report.

  6. velvel of atlanta says:

    Astounding how they are so stupid that they continue to make excuses for Ashrari–but never a surprise.

  7. Mark says:

    Mark, it’s from the 1/30 issue of US News & World Report.

    Um, I knew that. Just a lameass attempt at humour!!! ;o)>

  8. Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus.
    Men are Spunky; Women are Feisty?

    Lucas Returns With the ‘Jedi’

  9. Sabba Hillel says:

    Since she is not honest or brave, they have to use some word to describe her chutzpah that sounds good.

  10. Alex Bensky says:

    Well, I am usually too modest to show off my classical education, but in the very first “Mary Tyler Moore Show” episode Lou says to Mary in the course of her job interview: “You know what, Mary? You’ve got spunk.” (Pause)”I hate spunk.”

    I don’t know if people generally describe you as spubnky, Meryl, but don’t worry your pretty little head about it.

  11. Alex Bensky says:

    (Sorry, “spunky” not “spubnky”)

  12. Wow. Alex, you’re exceptionally brave today, considering I hold the key to your ability to post comments.

    Actually, I have never been described as “spunky.” Not even as a child. And I categorically deny that’s the reason little Billy Adams broke his arm.

  13. The Doctor says:

    Better than feisty or spunky:

    “Charming to the last.”

    Grand Moff Tarkin to Princess Leia [whose relationship with her brother Luke was memorialized on Lost by Shannon and whatzisname, but that’s another post…]

  14. CGHill says:

    “Feisty,” more than anything else, means “short”; you will not see it used on anyone over five foot six unless he plays in the National Basketball Association.

  15. The last two days I am struggling with myself to avoid posting what I think about that … here. And getting banned forever.

    On our own blog my colleagues have already muzzled me. I think I shall try TBIFOC, maybe there my honest opinion on Ashrawi will be accepted.


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