Random guy thought

You know how when guys are young, they greet each other with a punch? (Yeah, I know, girls, I never understood it, either.)

What’s the grown-up equivalent of that punch?

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13 Responses to Random guy thought

  1. Eric J says:

    Insults and put-downs. (Often on the border between homophobic and homoerotic.)

  2. Solomon says:

    Sword fights.

  3. The Doctor says:

    High fives and overuse of the word “dude”

  4. It’s still a punch, or a hand-shake with a shoulder clasp.

  5. We slap each other (lightly, mind you) on the stomachs. Yeah, and some insults and put-downs, of course, too.

  6. See, now I just think some of you are just making shit up. Except Matt. And Eric.

    I know. I’ll go read Norah Vincent’s new book! After all, who best to understand the mind of a man than a lesbian who dresses up as a guy to go hang out with men?

  7. cond0010 says:


    Someone I know summed up the difference of communication among the two (heh) genders very well:

    Men communicate to establish Hierarchy, Women communicate to establish intimacy.

    Sounds like my friend read the book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

  8. The Doctor says:

    Not making it up, Meryl…as you know I am truely and definitely a guy and can speak from experience.

  9. Who, me? Making stuff up? Nevah…

    But this Norah Vincent is something else, on that I agree wholeheartedly. She hit all the nails on the head.

  10. Ryan Frank says:

    Depends, but knuckle-busting handshakes are popular.

  11. Ryan, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. I can’t remember who the guy was, but some guy at work grabbed my hand and shook it in one of those bone-crunching handshakes when he was introduced to me. Then he tried to do it again when he was leaving, and I pulled my hand back before he could and said, “Oh, no. You already did that once, you’re not crushing my hand again.”

    I don’t care if it was perceived as rude. I don’t care if he was publicly embarrassed. I cannot STAND having my hand squeezed by some stranger who thinks it’s okay to smash it as a ritual greeting.

    It most certainly is not.

  12. Ryan Frank says:

    Usually its a male-to-male thing, but I have heard a lot of women complain about it in the business environment.

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