Monthly Archives: January 2006

JIB Awards: Well, that’s embarrassing

Look, if you folks don’t want to vote, I don’t want to keep nagging you. I should probably throw my votes somewhere else. The only reason I won last year was due to nag, nag, nag. But you could at … Continue reading

Posted in Site news | 5 Comments

More world reactions

More world reactions on the Hamas win Continue reading

Posted in palestinian politics, World | 20 Comments

World reactions to the Hamas victory

World leaders about Hamas disarmament Continue reading

Posted in Israel, palestinian politics, World | 2 Comments

The end-timers are joyful today

Hamas wins the PA elections; world will blame Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel | 2 Comments

Terrorists, meet Nuremberg

New name, same old hatred Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Gaza, palestinian politics | 3 Comments

JIB Awards, Round 2

JIB Awards Continue reading

Posted in Bloggers, Israel | 4 Comments

Let me run this by you all

The AIPAC conference is in March. It costs $500 to get in. Would my readers be interested in kicking in the conference fee in order to get first-hand reporting from me? I have some friends in the D.C. area that … Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Site news | 4 Comments

Hamas openly states its genocidal purpose; world ignores it

Hamas wants nothing less than the destruction of Israel Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 5 Comments

This is funny?

The unfunny Economist Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Media Bias | 5 Comments

Welcome to Richmond, Gilmores

At last! My weekly Gilmore Girls fix at a normal time! Continue reading

Posted in Television | 1 Comment

The AP hates the British, too

The AP’s legendary bias, again Continue reading

Posted in AP Media Bias | 1 Comment

Something funny

Another hilarious link, one that will probably not be nearly as amusing to my conservative readers as it is to the rest of us. It’s a Zork-like look at the Bush years. W., not Daddy.

Posted in Humor | Comments Off on Something funny

A Munich widow speaks out

Not all of the families think the film was a good idea Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Movies, Terrorism | 4 Comments

Arafat’s Legacy, cont’d.

The chaos in Gaza is directly attributed to Yasser Arafat Continue reading

Posted in Gaza, palestinian politics | 2 Comments

Taking on Iran

The invasion plans for Iran Continue reading

Posted in Israel, World | 4 Comments