The Danish cartoon traffic uptick

For the last week or so, my traffic has been up due almost exclusively to searches for “Danish cartoons,” or variations on the theme (e.g., “mohammed cartoons”).

Some of my old posts are getting comments (I have got to fix that plug-in to close comments after one week), and some of the older ones here are getting them. It seems that my post titled The Danish cartoons: Opening Europe’s eyes is the one that keeps popping up on searches. I’ve deleted a few comments that have broken the no-flaming rules. Learn to be civil, or don’t be commenting here.

But I find it interesting that so many people are taking the time to go all over the Internet and lecture people about the true nature of Islam–while their co-religionists are torching Danish embassies, sending death threats to other bloggers, and threating general mayhem for any medium or country that publishes the cartoons.

Still waiting for the world-wide Christian and Jewish rioting over Monty Python’s Life of Brian (which, by the way, drew worldwide peaceful protests).

I’m guessing many of my Muslim guests are reading only the Danish cartoon posts. I’m basing this guess on the lack of hate mail about my being a Zionist. Then again, this post may have clued them in.

I’ll publish the best of the mail I receive.

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8 Responses to The Danish cartoon traffic uptick

  1. jonny says:

    I’m guessing many of my Muslim guests are reading only the Danish cartoon posts. I’m basing this guess on the lack of hate mail about my being a Zionist.

    I’m guessing alot of Muslims don’t really care that you’re a zionist. I’m guessing zionists are people their leaders point their fingers at to distract from their own corruption. I’m guessing Pervez Musharaff was wrong when he said solving the Palestinian/Israeli conflict would solve most of the problems in the Islamic world.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I’m guessing Pervez Musharaff was wrong when he said solving the Palestinian/Israeli conflict would solve most of the problems in the Islamic world.

    What’s more disturbing than smart leaders like Musharaff trotting out that old canard is that billions of Muslims continue to eat up that crap decade after decade.

  3. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Such as the Muslim guy in Bali who slashes jugular veins in the necks of non-believers.

    Yeah, it’s all about Israel.

  4. Gerry says:

    Danish and Norwegian Unions have been boycotting Israeli products since 2002.
    Now that they’re on the receiving end, why am I supposed to feel so bad about them now?

  5. AbbaGav says:

    With regard to your ongoing wait for protests over Life of Brian, since Muslims have been making it clear they are against mockery of any prophet, then I assume they should be able to lead the effort on this one too. I’m assuming they revere Brian as much as Christians or Jews. It’s probably just that they’re totally booked for the foreseeable future, but if something opens up I’m sure they’ll jump right on it.

  6. Gerry, I had forgotten about that until I read it somewhere else. And you’re right, it’s hard to muster up sympathy on that account.

    But the Muslim rioters are using the cartoons as an excuse, and the boycott as an economic threat to Western nations. This is about far more than boycotting Danish and Norwegian goods. This is about Muslims dictating to the rest of the world how we will live our lives.

    I believe history is going to look back on this as the next stage in the Terror War, which is what we’ve been calling WWIV.

  7. L says:

    I would like to know when the press will stand up to the Muslims/Arabs/Islamists regarding their rioting over the cartoon issue.?
    There is huge hypocrisy in their actions. They can do all the movies, cartoons, articles, books, news stories, etc, about the Jew’s and Israeli’s, and thats OK, but when it is about them, they take to the streets.
    When will the press confront these issues with the appropriate Muslim organizations and their representatives and get to the bottom of this issue and make it the Front-Page news it deserves.
    All the false information and propaganda that is fed to the Arab world will only continue the hatred they have for us and there will never be peace.

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