I’m special

I got an email from the Messiah.

The email says so. The title is, “I am the Messiah.”

The Messiah has a website.

I am going to go there and report back to you (with much mockery) when I get time.

You may all feel jealous now that I got an email from the Messiah, and you did not.

He obviously likes me better than he likes you.

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4 Responses to I’m special

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Are you sure it was Messiah and not Messhugah?

  2. Ben F says:

    I’m impressed. I too received a “special” e-mail, but mine was from a Kahanist inviting me to join their “Jewish Idea” Yahoo! group. I can do without those yahoos, though.

  3. Of course Moshiach has a web page. It takes forever to finish loading though, and as it loads, you chant “We want Moshiach NOW!”

  4. The Doctor says:

    I got an email from a kosher caterer announcing the imminent arrival of Mashgiach…

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