When is a terrorist not a terrorist?

When an AP editor gets hold of one.


Saudi Forces Kill 5 Suspected Militants
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) – Saudi security forces shot and killed five militants the government said Monday were suspects in last week’s foiled suicide bombing of a huge oil processing complex in the kingdom’s east. Security forces detained a sixth militant who was not harmed in one of two…

Saudi Forces Kill Five Terror Suspects photo
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) – Saudi security forces on Monday shot dead five suspected terrorists believed to be involved in a foiled attack on the world’s biggest oil processing complex, the Saudi Interior Ministry said. A sixth suspect was arrested. The shootings came after security forces…

Screenshot to come tonight. Lunch hours are too short to use image editors.

This entry was posted in AP Media Bias, Terrorism. Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to When is a terrorist not a terrorist?

  1. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Meryl, you should parse and shred this obscene LA Times editorial from today’s edition.

    Some money quotes:

    Setting a tone of constructive engagement as it begins to address an array of tough issues offers the best hope. Hamas’ moderate choice for prime minister, Ismail Haniya, has taken conciliatory steps as he tries to put together a coalition of radical and moderate factions, and he deserves encouragement in this perilous task.

    and this gem:

    If Hamas is given a chance to govern without interference, it will have to provide Palestinians with the clean, efficient government they thought they were voting for. In contrast, if Israel or the international community acts in a hostile manner, Hamas can blame them when things go badly.

    and then there’s this shining sapphire:

    Hamas has every incentive to avoid attacks on Israel, which would only provoke swift and unrestrained retaliation, derailing Hamas’ chances to consolidate its popularity and establish a domestic policy.

    Hmmm, Israel’s retaliations are unrestrained? And doesn’t Hamas already have a domestic agenda? It’s called, “Seek out and slaughter the Jews”.

  2. Li'l Mamzer says:

    Ay Caramba, I tried posting the link to the article, and it turned the whole post into a link. Is there a way for a poster to edit his or her post? Sorry Meryl!

  3. Fixed it.

    Wrote the post. It’ll be up tomorrow morning.

    Un-fucking-believable. The LA Times is shameless.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The whole time stamp issue (with the edited headlines) is really interesting… Its exactly like the press for Israel. Except that Headlines for Israel starts out as ‘Terrorists’ and by 10am in the morning it is changed to “Militants”.

    Your a great teacher Meryl…

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