Monthly Archives: February 2006

Something cheerful

Lottery winners! Continue reading

Posted in Life | 3 Comments

The Axis of Terror

The terror-supporting states Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Terrorism | 2 Comments

Muslim world to Hamas: The check is in the mail

No aid for Hamas from their brothers Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias | 5 Comments

The latest on Hamas

Hamas, intransigent as ever Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 2 Comments

Yes, I know I said I would

I’ll post kitty pictures. I promise. Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA, Life | 4 Comments

Random psychotic thought

Random psychotic thought Continue reading

Posted in Meanderings | 6 Comments

I’ve made up my mind on the port issue

Jimmy Carter convinces me to dump the port takeover Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 7 Comments

This is why I own cats

I have no green thumb Continue reading

Posted in Life | 4 Comments

Definining terrorism down

A look at the world press lying about terrorists Continue reading

Posted in Hamas, Media Bias | 3 Comments

The Fourth Annual Intl. Eat a Tasty Animal for PETA Day: March 15th

Eat meat on March 15th Continue reading

Posted in EATAPETA | 42 Comments

Good news, bad news

David Irving goes to jail Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Holocaust | 7 Comments

You’ll never take me alive, Copper!

Bin Laden vows death before capture Continue reading

Posted in Terrorism | 6 Comments

What truce?

There is no truce Continue reading

Posted in Israel, Terrorism | 3 Comments

Arabs to palestinians: Support, but not money

The Arab world won’t support the pals with funds Continue reading

Posted in Hamas | 3 Comments

Sunday night carnivals

Haveil Havalim, the Carnival of the Jews, is at its creator’s place. Daddy! Carnival of the Cats is over at Bloggin Out Loud. Number 100. Woo-hoo! Almost forgot: This week’s Shire Network News podcast is up, with my latest On … Continue reading

Posted in Linkfests | 1 Comment