Jews and neo-Nazis together?

Forward reports on a very peculiar phenomenon: participation of some Jews in a white supremacism movement that calls itself “American Renaissance”. It appears that there are some mental cases of Jewish persuasion that attempt to find their place in this hateful racist group. In spite of this:

After congratulating Faye for stirring remarks that “touched my genes,” Duke asked if there weren’t an even more insidious threat to the West than Islam.

“There is a power in the world that dominates our media, influences our government and that has led to the internal destruction of our will and our spirit,” Duke said.

“Tell us, tell us,” came a call from the back of the room.

“I’m not going to say it,” Duke said to rising laughter.

Jews sitting in the same room with Guillaume Faye, David Duke, Jared Taylor? Impossible to imagine, but here you are. Follows an example of a Jewish participant.

Son of a card-carrying Communist, Berman marched on Washington with Martin Luther King Jr. But, he wrote, that was before two of his sisters were raped by black men and before he served eight years as the dean of boys at Brooklyn’s George W. Wingate High School, where “we averaged five arrests a day.” These days he attends American Renaissance conferences, and this year he brought a likeminded former teaching colleague to serve as his shabbos goy.

And here is the due repayment for Mr. Berman:

Not everyone at last weekend’s meeting could stay cool on the Jewish question. Before Faye spoke, Michael Matthews, an attendee from New Jersey, passed Michael Berman in the hotel foyer.

“Are you a Jew?” Matthews demanded. “I don’t think you should be here.”

Berman was hurt.

“You see, there’s no home for me,” he sighed after Matthews had left. “I’m like a black sheep here and everywhere I go.”

Actually there is a home for Berman and his new Neo-Nazi friends: a garbage dump. Somewhere in an isolated area – to prevent contamination.

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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9 Responses to Jews and neo-Nazis together?

  1. The Doctor says:

    Go back and read the entire article. The Jews present were trying to separate out the antisemitism from the White Supremicist movement; when David Duke got his swastika going, several Jewish members protested, saying that they had signed up for an ultra-right-wing-nationalist movement but would not sit still for Nazis, and walked out. The Jews present were not pro-nazi or approving of David Duke, as you imply.

    If you’re going to quote an article, quote accurately and in such a way as to not change the meaning.

  2. Oh, so they were simply racist Jews, hooking up with racists like Duke.

    That makes it all better.

    I know that’s not what you’re saying, Doc, but I detest racists of all stripes, and these are Jews that knowingly went to a lecture that included David Duke. Unless they were born three days ago, they have to have known his anti-Semitic views. Did they expect him to change a lifetime view for them? Because they were the racist group’s pet Jews?

    So they’re racists, and they expect to be protected from anti-Semitism?

    These people are garbage. I don’t think that Snoopy was misrepresenting that part of it.

  3. “Go back and read the entire article.”

    I admit freely to being a slow person, Doctor. Thus I read the article very slowly.

    And my quotes (as quotes usually are) are not supposed to copy the whole article. Still, they are precise.

    So back to facts:

    1. Several Jews participate in racist white supremacist bash.

    2. Some of their “colleagues”, in addition to being “just” white supremacists dub a bit in anti-Semitism on the side.

    Am I right or am I right?

    Now you, being probably an expert on nuances, tell us the difference between the “just” racism and the branch of it that is anti-Semitic. And Nazis.Go ahead.

  4. The Doctor says:

    Snoop. Your personal snide remarks are not appreciated. The tenor of your original remarks was that the Jews present supported Naziism. Those who read the article would clearly see that the Jews present did not expect David Duke to be there and did not support his brand of politics.

    Clearly they are fools.

    And so is someone who responds to legitimate criticism with snide personal attacks.

    Meryl, you deserve better than this…

  5. Doctor,

    Avoiding answering the questions put quite straight to you and moving the issue to personal grievance just wouldn’t do.

    After all, it is you who said: “If you’re going to quote an article, quote accurately…”. One could hardly get more personal. So stop the petulance and explain how a white supremacist differs significantly from a Nazi. Or hold your peace.

  6. The Doctor says:

    Your response continues to remind me of Michael Savage during a break from medications.
    A white supremacist differs from a Nazi by his/her greater obsession with whiteness as opposed to Aryanism; White supremacists don’t mind Russians or Poles who are after all white; Nazis only liked Aryans, a subgroup of whites; white supremacists don’t focus on Jews quite as much as Nazis. You shouldn’t need to have these details explained to you, and you shouldn’t need to be reminded that the article was NOT about Jewish Nazis but about Jewish racists who nevertheless refused to associate with Nazis.
    And if you can’t understand the difference between your take and the gist of the article, and if your response to legitimate and reasonable criticism [see my original post] is to call me petulant and make snide remarks about the person who disagrees with you, you need to reconsider whether moderating a blog which has always been very respectful of it’s posters is the right place for you…

  7. It seems, Doctor, that you level of bile is raising steadily from comment to comment. Since you consider yourself to be above personal remarks, I shall skip them in your discourse.

    Since you are adamant in seing a singificant difference between white supremacists (Jewish or otherwise)and Nazis, there is no point in circling around this issue.

    And your original post blamed me in misquoting the article. Here it goes again:

    “If you’re going to quote an article, quote accurately…”

    You seem to be a singularly stubborn person, at least on the subject we are discussing – if I can allow myself a bit of a personal remark.

    In any case I can hardly see a reason for continuation of this quite pointless dialog.

    If you still insist in making some (so far unclear to me which) point to me, you can move over to our blog, where the same post is present and try to engage others in the dialog.

    P.S. And I am NOT moderating the discussion here, Meryl has the honor.

  8. The Doctor says:

    Fine point of difference. You’re not moderating but you have privileges to post and solicit responses.

    That makes you a legitimate representative of (TM) and the way you respond to posts reflects on Meryl, whose approach, as I said above, has always been respectful even to those who disagree with her…

    A good Shabbas, everyone and let’s have peace for 24 hours minimum…

  9. Well, having let this simmer for a day and then reread the entire article and comments, I have to say that snide remarks to someone disagreeing with a post written here are not exactly new. I have not always been respectful of those who disagree with me. My policy is no flames, but I have a tendency to snap back at anyone who breaks that rule. Nor do snide remarks necessarily constitute personal attacks.

    Some of your comments, Doc, definitely rise to the level of personal attacks. I think your response to snideness went overboard, and frankly, Snoopy’s remarks to you were quite restrained under the circumstances.

    Feel free to disagree with a post here. Do not feel free to take offense if the person posting it doesn’t change his mind because you don’t like what he said.

    I vet every post that Snoopy puts up, per his request. I have offered time and again to let him simply post, and he refuses.

    That being said: I have no desire to play referee on my comments threads. Play nice, or don’t play at all.

Comments are closed.