
Judith Weiss made the papers for the pro-Danish rally in NYC last week. A certain contributor can be seen at this link, but he may be shy, so I won’t say who he is. You’ll simply have to guess.

Steven Weiss details more anti-Semitism, I mean, anti-Zionism. See, if they boycott Israel, and only Israel, it isn’t anti-Semitism. Get it? This one’s pretty bad.

Lt. Smash has Cindy Sheehan on tape comparing American soldiers in Iraq to — wait for it — Nazi Germany. Yeah, she could get lower, but I’m not quite sure how. My new slogan for the misuse of Nazi and Holocaust imagery: The Holocaust — it’s not just for Jews anymore.

Daled Amos has too many things to single out. Just read and keep scrolling.

AbbaGav is now blogrolled. Keep suggesting new blogs; I’ve got plenty of room for them.

Ilyka is blogging again. ‘Bout time.

A new feature over on Soccer Dad: If … you must. Great links.

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3 Responses to Otherwheres

  1. Elisson says:

    And then there’s the piece I wrote concerning the unfortunate menu choice at a breakfast commemmorating the anniversary of Rachel Corrie’s death. Are the Pals capable of irony, or was this just stupid? You decide.

  2. Drew W says:

    Hmmm. Regarding Elisson’s comment above: My first guess was squash, but then I saw it was a breakfast. Shame on me.

    And who was that man in the NY Press with the meat on a stick? I have a theory that he wandered erroneously into the Support Denmark demonstration when he got lost on his way to the press event announcing this year’s Eat An Animal For PETA Day. See? It all makes sense now . . .

  3. AbbaGav says:

    Thanks for the link! I took the precaution of pre-reciprocating since I enjoy your site quite a bit as well.

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