Reasons to like Roger

Roger Waters, the man who put the Pink in Pink Floyd, has a concert in Tel Aviv scheduled. Of course, palestinians are whining to get him to boycott Israel.

A group of Palestinian artists has asked Roger Waters to cancel is upcoming concert in Tel Aviv, according to a British journalist.

In a letter to Waters, the Union of Palestinian Artists wrote, “How could an artist so closely identified with breaking down walls of injustice would cooperate with this monstrous wall that has been declared illegal by the International Court of Justice in The Hague?”

[…] Now, in reaction to the protest, Waters told the Guardian newspaper, “I have many fans in Israel, many of whom refuse to serve in the military. I won’t cancel my trip to Israel because I don’t agree with the government’s policies, just as I won’t stop performing in Britain simply because I disagree with the policies of Tony Blair.

“People who live in Israel are human beings, just like everyone.”

Good for you, Roger, even though you’re wrong about the seperation fence.

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6 Responses to Reasons to like Roger

  1. Joel says:

    Why do these people have to “explain” why they are performing in Israel?

  2. Just wait until he actually performs.

    I suspect that he’s up to something.

  3. Li'l Mamzer says:

    I think Laurence Simon is right. I smell a customized version of The Wall that will make ISM asshats proud.

    Why can’t people like Waters admit that 99.99% of what non-refusenik IDF soldiers do is the right thing?

  4. angua says:

    I am sorry, Merryl. As long as Waters divides us into worthy “good Jews” (who refuse to serve) and the rest, his so-called support is nothing to be proud of.

  5. ilumshem says:

    The UK-based dance magazine, Dance Europe, is boycotting Israel:

    Bigotry in the world of dance.

  6. Tom Frank says:

    I wonder if he will perform anything from Pink Floyd’s great album “Animals”?

    “Pigs On the Wing” anyone?

    If cartoons can cause a riot, I would imagine so can music…

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