Tired of spam

When I get home tonight, I’m adding all the medical spam terms to the comments “kill list.” That means if you use the words cialis, viagra, or any of the other drugs du jour in a comment, it will get immediately deleted and I won’t have to mark it as spam in the moderation queue.

Feel free to joke around and test it, but realize that we will never have a comment discussion on viagra, and whether or not it should be covered by medical plans.

By the way, my new medical coverage does not include birth control pills. Good to know that the HMOs of the nation are concerned about women not having unwanted children. Which raise the costs of health coverage, come to think of it.

It’s so annoying to have to deal with spambots. I wish Congress would just pass those anti-spam laws and be done with it.

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5 Responses to Tired of spam

  1. Cynic says:

    I have tried two comments with the use of a word to describe an ‘ace in his field’ and includes the first example you mention above as letters in the word.
    The comments don’t appear so I presume that they bit the dust?

  2. Cynic says:

    While Yahoo clobbered words including the sequence ‘allah’, yourish.com is killing comments that have ordinary words containing sequences of letters coincidentally used to designate drugs. Hoo boy!
    Do you have a “Meryl friendly” word checker to help?

  3. Crap. “specialist.” Okay, that one comes out. But the v-word remains. There’s no way that’s found in any other combination of words.

    I hope.

  4. Aaron's cc: says:

    I’d vote for Hillary in 2008 if she legalized spammer hunting licenses.

  5. O.F. Jay says:


    I’m off to vacation but when I get back I will install the new WP plus Spam Karma for your anti spam I just need the password info next Friday, thanks.


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