Arkansas journalism

In Mark Twain’s A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, he used the phrase “Arkansas journalism” when describing really bad reporting or writing.

That phrase always comes to mind when I read the Arab News.

In pursuit of this cynical tactic, there seems little to which they will not stoop. The prime target of their raid was Ahmed Saadat and other leading members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Saadat is accused by the Israelis of organizing the murder four years ago of Israeli Cabinet Minister Rehavam Zeevi. Even last week the Israeli government announced that if it chose to, it would murder members of the newly elected Hamas government in response to any terror tactics, just as they have murdered Hamas leaders in the past, including Sheikh Yassin, the movement’s spiritual leader.

How would Israelis react if a Palestinian force with overwhelming firepower from the land and air were to move into Israel and seize those who killed Yassin and carry them back to Palestine to face trial? Israelis would certainly not shrug their shoulders and admit that such a move was after all fair. Instead they too would be buzzing like angry bees and vowing revenge.

Sorry, but I think “Arkansas journalism” is too high praise. I’m putting this around junior high school logic level. Although, come to think of it, it’s more on the level of my fourth-graders. “But that’s not fair!”

But hey, it’s good for a giggle.

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4 Responses to Arkansas journalism

  1. Joel says:

    If Palestinians had overwhelming firepower (in other words if the military situation with Israel were reversed) there would be no Jews left to complain. Who the **** are they kidding?

  2. Al says:

    Aren’t there two sides to every issue, and isn’t this just the other side explaining its viewpoint? It’s an editorial, correct? I think that if each side spent more time trying to understand the other, then we might get closer to a resolution. Perhaps I’m a cock-eyed optimist, but I wish there were more like me. Why go with the knee-jerk reaction that says the Arabs are wrong? Why not try to understand things from their side? Wouldn’t that be more productive for everyone involved?

  3. chsw says:

    “Arkansas journalism”? When someone tells me something that isn’t thought out very well, I tell him (or her) that they are using “palestinian logic.” They get the point immediately.


  4. You know, Al, you’ve convinced me. Come on, everyone, join in!

    Kumbaya, my Lord, kumbaya…

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