What’s missing from this story?

The AP put a bunch of background in towards the end of their latest Israel/Hamas story. Here it is. Can you tell me what’s missing in this recap of Israeli actions over the past week? (Warning: It’s a trick question.)

In violence early Wednesday morning, Israeli troops entered the Aqabat Jaber refugee camp near the West Bank town of Jericho to arrest three Islamic Jihad militants, the army said. The soldiers surrounded three houses and called on the suspects to come out and two of the men surrendered, the army said.

The army fired at one of the houses to get the remaining suspect to emerge, the army said. Troops then entered, saw a “suspicious figure” under mattresses and, believing he was armed, shot and killed the man, the army said. No weapon was found, the army said.

Saeb Erekat, the Palestinian legislator for Jericho, condemned the killing, saying Israeli raids and closures were making life intolerable for the people of Jericho.

Last week, Israeli forces raided the jail in Jericho and captured six top militants after destroying large parts of the compound in a daylong siege.

Give up? Okay. This is what’s missing from the wrap-up of what’s been happening between Israel and the pals lately:

The van was stopped at a roadblock near Latrun, located halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Police removed the bomb from the car, setting off a panic among nearby motorists.

“People started to run away from the cars,” Danino said. “Police were shouting into megaphones, ‘live bomb, live bomb,’ and people were running in every direction.”

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said the assailants were carrying 11 pounds of explosives and intended to plant a bomb in central Israel. He said 10 people were arrested.

Once again, all Israeli actions are played up, all palestinian terrorist actions are downplayed.

The attempted suicide attack happened hours before this AP update, but it wasn’t included — mostly likely because it makes the palestinians look like, gee, terrorists.

The AP anti-Israel spin continues.

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