On the merits of escalation

Meryl has already reported here and here on the Katyusha appearance in the arsenal of at least one gang from the “alphabet soup” of the various similar gangs in the Gaza strip.

Now Jihad Islami – the gang mentioned above – is boasting that they have more of these toys.

The Islamic Jihad, who on Tuesday morning fired for the first time a Katyusha rocket into Israel from the Gaza Strip, announced Wednesday that it has many more of those rockets, Army Radio reported.

The Katyusha rocket has twice the range of the primitive Kassam rocket, is more accurate and can carry more explosives.

An IDF officer called the use of Katyushas, “an escalation on the Gaza battlefield.”

Clearly the escalation the IDF officer mentions is what JI desire so much. Clearly, the Katyusha launches are not intended to win the war against IDF, just to get the escalation going.

Then JI and its friends will get the reason for a outcry in the media about the cruel and murderous IDF killing innocent citizens blah blah blah…

And the extreme right in Israel will get the reason for an outcry in the media about cruel and murderous terrorists blah blah blah…

And so on and so on…

Cross-posted on SimplyJews

About SnoopyTheGoon

Daily job - software development. Hobbies - books, books, friends, simgle malt Scotch, lately this blogging plague. Amateur photographer, owned by 1. spouse, 2 - two grown-up (?) children and 3. two elderly cats - not necessarily in that order, it is rather fluid. Israeli.
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5 Responses to On the merits of escalation

  1. russ says:

    Well now I am confused. Are you saying that the rockets are NOT being fired by “cruel and murderous terrorists”? Are they simply “misunderstood”?

  2. I have never understood the policy of allowing someone to shoot at you and not ending his ability to shoot. Hamas needs to pay a price.

  3. Robert says:

    I have a question, what if Iran successfully builds the BOMB and sends it to Hizbulloh or Hamas to be tested?

  4. russ, I do not like JI any more than you do, I guess. They are what you want to call them. As I said, they thrive on escalation – as do our extreme right. Of which we, unfortunately, have enough.

    But I am in no way comparing JI and such to our own crazies. Each deserves its own analysis. And treatment.

  5. Robert, I can hardly answer this one. Let’s hope our intelligence is intelligent enough to find out and to fix the problem before the act.

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