Lost: Are we there yet?

No, it’s not going to be an episode summary, but gee, Lost was good tonight. Just when you think they’ve gotten predictable, they go and get unpredictable on you.

Of course, if Drew wants to put up an episode summary for us, that’d be cool. I really liked Kate’s “Shall I go get a ruler?” bit, but it wasn’t nearly as good as Lorelai on the Gilmore Girls saying, ” Just wanted to make sure you two were finished swinging those things around. Someone’s bound to lose an eye.”

And by the way, I know it’s called “Television Without Pity,” but man, doesn’t anybody who actually likes the shows do the summaries? Because I checked out one of my all-time favorite Gilmore Girl episodes there, and now I want to beat up the summary writer. But I digress.

So, I’m guessing my buds with the HDTV and the DVD-R did a lot of frame-by-frame dissecting of the blast doors in the black light scenes. Like, wow, man. Black light. Dude! Pass the joint, you’ve had it long enough!

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4 Responses to Lost: Are we there yet?

  1. Robert says:

    I stopped going to television without pity once they started hammering on West Wing (granted its quality died out after Sorkin left, but there have been some damned good eps, especially in its last season).

  2. Pam says:

    Hi, Meryl, love your site.

    MSNBC does a weekly recap of the previous night’s episode of Lost. Here’s the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6867118/

  3. I used to do summaries for Another World on the GEnie network, and yeah, I liked to make fun of the show — that was pretty much de rigeur for soap opera summaries in that section — but they were gentle pokes. Like the way I bust on Lost in my episode summaries.

    Television Without Pity simply seems to get writers that utterly hate the shows they are summarizing, without, frankly, the humor. What’s the point?

    The episode I was curious about was an Emmy-worthy episode. The writing was superb, the acting was great, and it filled in the backstory of Lorelai’s pregnancy–and the writer was obsessed with proving how clever she was about making up nicknames for the actors.

    Waste. Won’t be going back there again.

  4. Yankev says:

    I’ve been telling my better half since Henry first showed up — I LIVED in Minnesota for 7 years, doncha know, and Henry sure didn’t sound like he had ever set foot there.

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